You will probably need to be retested

Wright County, Minnesota (about 40 miles northwest of Minneapolis), is a pretty forgiving place, but there are a few requirements you must meet to be granted a driver's license.

One of the testing stations in Buffalo, the county seat, is located in a strip mall, open limited hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Exhibit A, your honor, is a "before" photo of this testing center, taken months before the date in question.
Note the window lettering which reads "Drivers License Exam Station"

Exhibit B is a side-view of this station, taken earlier today, the result of a 17-year-old (in this case, a 17-year-old girl, but most reporters are being circumspect, and believe me, it could happen to anyone) mistaking drive for reverse, and then whomping on the accelerator of her 2014 Chevy Equinox prior to really getting comfortable taking her first exam.  The 60-year-old examiner (hopefully belted and prepared for anything in the passenger seat, this all happened pretty quickly following ignition) was rushed to the hospital with what turned out to be non-life threatening injuries.  The building is quite damaged, the Equinox is effectively totaled, and the driver will have to continue operating with a learner's permit until the next round of testing.
Presumably, the adjoining unit was already for lease, and not immediately placed on the market in frustration because this happens so routinely


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