This is, um, censorship

The Loveland Reporter-Herald today announced they will (for the time being) no longer allow public comment on articles posted on their website.  The Trail-Gazette, a sister institute, has already gone down a similar road once before by removing certain entries they found offensive (to CDIV, during the time he was being piled on for labeling Wendy Koenig a "racist"), but then switched systems to Disqus, allowing for what they hoped was less anonymity.  
Hasn't worked (or has worked in the sense that fewer different entities post) but the Trail-Gazette doesn't really need to worry about removing comments at the bottom of a story, indeed, I think they would welcome them, because "no comments" generally means no interest and no readers. 

I would appreciate if "Just Sprayin" and "Louis Friend from Pagosa Shi*springs" would uncloak or cut back a bit, because they both reveal themselves through their daily diatribes and lonely old men who need to find a different hobby.  But of course the Trail can't demand their two unpaid proofreaders provide real names when their own editorials go uncredited.

If the barely coherent nonsense of three-toothed unemployable anti-socs gets under your skin to the point where you close the entire deep end to adult models and professionals, you are either thin-skinned yourself or too dumb to remove the tray from the packaging.  You say you are not engaging in censorship, but you are removing voices you disagree with or find offensive, the exact Scripps Howard spelling bee definition of censorship provided to 12-year-old immigrants and refugees.

Buck up, little Loveland campers.  You run a paper, so act like you know how to run a paper.  Would you have disallowed your fellow citizens back in 1774 from grousing over oppressive taxes paid to a distant king?


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