Thank God for screen grabs

The "official" MayBill statement is now in heavy rotation - If you are a donor to the hospital foundation or merit some soothing, expect to receive this within the next 24 hours.  The various "drafts" have been removed from the Park Hospital District on-line bulletin board (what was that about transparency again?), but luckily, I was able to grab them when they first appeared, before they were permanently expunged (what was that about comparisons to the Politburo again?).

Here are the side by sides:
 Comments:  These are both so poorly written, there is not much sense trying to read between the lines, however, it is interesting that Dr. MacElwee has now been assigned a "status" [like he was a patient, line 1], that in both versions he is "considered to be an excellent physician" [passively, rather than the active and supportive "dammit, Dr. MacElwee is an excellent physician"], and that this pesky comma has been moved one word over [line 4, from after "and" to after "attention"], which still doesn't make any sense [it certainly isn't necessary, unless you were providing it as a cue to remind yourself to take a breath here if you were reading this aloud], but this is the constant problem with pointing out errors to superior beings - they cannot bring themselves to admit mistakes, and so attempt to have their cake and eat it too, by keeping it yet hiding it.  Finally, the horrible last sentence was only marginally improved with garble speak.  As a board, they shouldn't have to remind themselves or anyone they are going to continue providing information, they should just be providing information.
