When's the last time you paid $100/pound for anything ingestible?

Cocaine excepted?  This is wagyu beef, nay, this is a wagyu katsu sando (katsu for cutlet, based on the way it's prepared, sando short for sandowichi, a Japanese sandwich).  Of which only 3 are made per day at this particular location (of which two to two-and-a-half on average are likely consumed by a staff member's pet).  Of which they are sold (if ever) on a first-come, first-served basis.  (Bob Fixter is working on adding ingredients to upcharge this much per cinnamon roll.)  Note:  This meat is prepared by deep frying.  Why hasn't it caught on yet at state fairs?

If I'm paying $85 for six crudite-sized slices of a prime rib sandwich, I'm for sure getting the crusts.  Bring me the crusts, waiter/peasant.  Here is your $17 tip for dropping off a glorified congealed raw muscle sample.

Food porn video here, except I'm not getting anywhere close to the same warm feelings I get from the one below, which is branded ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, the chills you get from someone brushing your hair, or, apparently, eating a $83 less expensive grilled cheese):


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