
Showing posts from December, 2020

So the idiot who kicked me off that Facebook group

back in March for pointing out COVID was much, much worse than influenza, and who quoted a completely inflated statistic of Italy having 36,000 deaths from influenza last year while kicking me off - Here's a sobering piece of news: Italy is on track to lose 72,000 citizens from SARS-CoV-2 infection by the end of the year.  That's double the made-up number of influenza deaths you provided, in less than a full year of fake influenza statistics you provided.   The number above is a real number.  Those are real deaths of real human beings.  The population of Italy is 60 million.  This represents well over 0.1% of their entire population.  1 out of every 1000 Italians who began 2020 alive and well are now dead from one cause.  If you went to a concert with 14,000 people in the stands, that would be 14 people who didn't emerge alive after the concert.  This is slightly less than the total number of people killed by the suicide bomber at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017.  Did we

Come again?

From Yahoo News: Ass or pass - Nobody rides for free

Letter from a friend

The obvious health benefits of colloidal silver.  If you want to become a Smurf. Dear EPGarbage:  I have done everything the CDC recommended during this outbreak, and paid little attention to the nonsense emanating from the big white house, choosing instead to use their COVID experiences (somebody on the White House staff lost a foot from circulation problems caused by the infection, yet this was kept quiet) as an example.  I have not interacted with the health care system once, not locally or county-wise, since the start of the outbreak.  I have not been tested because I do not need to be tested - I know how to live and garb up when going out and behave if I want to avoid contracting the disease.  There is no "ambiguity" about wearing masks, there never was - There is just people who get COVID making excuses (those that have no earthly reason or excuse for catching it) because they are children intellect-wise or maturity-wise and can't accept responsibility for bad decis

Hey, I'm starving here

Transcript of the most bald-faced lies from the MacGregor (s)creed:  If I don't liquidate we will loose (sic, lose, or maybe they'll just unmoor all the buildings from their foundations) everything anyways and then also be bankrupt us.  (sic, impossible to decipher - It's clear she's past the point of being able to afford grammar check)  I just can not allow what happened to my mom once before in Estes to happen again (what, pray tell, is that?  Burn down a shoddily constructed 20-year-old barn from corner cutting and code violations and neglect?).  I can't allow for taxes and payment to big banks cause us to lose anything we have left.  (Again, how does the size of the bank determine which ones are evil?  And should people not have to pay taxes once they've acquired over $5 million in land?  And where is this money for taxes being kept?  In a piggy bank?  Help me follow the logic:  Big banks bad, big private land owners good?) Lest you think the folks in Ethiop

Dear Donna

120 more deaths reported in Colorado today from that piffly overblown oronasal virus infection thingy.  How many more of us are you willing to sacrifice to prove this whole COVID thing is "no big deal" and "media hype"?  Were you shitting bricks after you swabbed infected sputum down your daughters' throats, or did you already know the outcome of what happens when a silly bat virus bumps up against the "master race"?  Did you know that, per capita minorities in the U.S. are dying of infection (or something overblown) in numbers greater than their representation in the overall population?  Do you care, or are minorities just an inconvenience?  Aren't you so angry that everyone bought into that whole "the east side of Rocky Mountain National Park is on fire" scam in October and left town when they could have been purchasing more sticky octopus wall walkers to give meaning to their meaningless lives?  Say, maybe coronaviruses could be mocked

Re: "The Media is Overhyping This"

As of Tuesday, December 8 - This was Colorado Gives Day, and Colorado gave up 14 more bodies to state morgues Dear Donna - I see you doubled down this morning and drug your whole family into the coronavirus tent.  Just because you had no symptoms, just because your children had no symptoms, does not mean others will have no symptoms, and absolutely does not mean long-term your children will not experience sequelae years later (think of shingles, or post-polio syndrome).  One of the symptoms of contracting coronavirus is, unfortunately, an inability to breathe, leading to death.  Above are the latest numbers, which I don't think are overhyped, since this comes from, which doesn't have a media arm.    Why don't you spend some time at the bedside of someone on a ventilator before you start advising people how they should live their lives?  You're immune, now, right? And you are correct, more people will recover from COVID-19 than will die from COVID-19.  T

Donna Carlson, meet Debbie Holmes

COVID survivor and newly-minted COVID expert (remember all those recovered addicts who told you not to drink alcohol at school assemblies?) Donna Carlson, COVID+ Estes Park Chamber of Commerce president and survivor, has now self-appointed herself Estes Park's public health expert, wresting the role from Debbie "Don't Stay At" Holmes, who may not be willingly conceding, it's just she's gone back to writing harmlessly recycled "turkey makes you sleepy, no, Thanksgiving makes you sleepy" columns. Donna has now decided restaurants don't give you COVID, in fact, restaurants are protective, and prevent you from getting COVID.  She contracted COVID from drinking wine with a friend (that scene setter by itself pregnant with possibilities), in her home, so, apparently, you get it from your house.  Or from Donna Carlson's house.  If only restaurants were open, so that you could get out of your infectious house and sit and drink wine with a friend with