M through Q branch

Q had an actual identity in the Ian Fleming novels:  Major Boothroyd.  Listen closely to M speaking in the movie version of "Dr. No", for example, where Q is referred to both as "the armourer" and "Major Boothroyd".  
The character was based on an actual firearms expert Geoffrey Boothroyd (many things, but not a commissioned military officer), who Ian Fleming began corresponding with for weapons advice after Boothroyd wrote expressing an early admiration for Fleming's James Bond character, just not his assigned Beretta.
The actual snubnosed Smith & Wesson owned by firearms expert Geoffrey Boothroyd.
First editions (1957) of this book in good condition sell for $3000+
But Q refers to an actual Q (quartermaster) branch, whereas M is simply a random letter to hide behind.

Interestingly, no James Bond film was released in 1966 (two were released in 1967, although one was a parody of Fleming's first Bond novel Casino Royale).  When I was a kid, even through college, I would drop everything, ignore homework even, to catch any Bond film broadcast on ABC.  Now, I can only tolerate sitting through portions of a few, generally with Sean Connery in the lead:  "Dr. No" (with laughably clumsy special effects, but two other words should suffice:  Ursula Andress), "Goldfinger" "Diamonds Are Forever", and Daniel Craig (as long as he is not running) in the much-improved version of "Casino Royale" (although, my God, you can see why Texas Hold 'Em quickly fizzled out as a televised sporting event - even with an outlandishly stacked deck and a guy bleeding from his eye, it's a burden to watch beyond the first few hands).

So here is a bit of a mystery for you.  We are on the downhill slide of the 1966 Estes Park phone book, which has 2138 distinct entries (although, here's a clue, potentially not 2138 distinct telephone numbers), and, for all of Estes Park and Glen Haven, only four possible numbers can be assigned:  586-3XXX (where X is any digit), 586-4XXX, 586-98XX, and 586-99XX.  In 1966 at least, the latter two were almost exclusively reserved for businesses, and were assigned less than 30 times each, or less than 60 times total.  So that leaves around 2078 listings, only 2000 maximum of which can be covered by 586-3XXX and 586-4XXX (1000 each, sit down and convince yourself of the math if you don't believe me).  So how can a system that could only produce 2000 numbers fill 2078 slots?  (And no, the answer is not because some of the entries are for Longmont, Boulder, Allenspark, Greeley, etc., telephone numbers.  All the "long distance" listings combined barely add up to 25.)

Oh, BTW, if Johnny Marks or any of the Machins are available, come on down and claim your prizes.


R.T. MacCracken                                             586-4582
Macdonald Book Shop                                    586-3450
Mrs. Ralph R. Macdonald                                586-4866
Charles E. Mace                                               586-3731
Gordon Mace, Jr.                                             586-3464
Mrs. Gordon Mace                                           586-4148
Donald MacGregor                                          586-3749
Keith E. Machin                                               586-3112
Ralph E. Machin                                              586-4276
Machin’s Cottages in the Pines                         586-4276
Jay MacLarty                                                   586-3280
Doii MacLeod                                                  586-3267
John J. Macon Custom Builder                         586-3318
Carl Magnuson                                                586-4610
Carrol J. Mahagan                                            586-3891
Joe Mahan                                                       586-3553
N.J. Mainer                                                      586-9926
R.E. Makinster                                                 586-4226
Jacob O. Mall  physician and surgeon              586-3311
     Residence                                                    586-4334
     Day or night call                                         586-3311
Mrs. J.J. Manford                                             586-4580
B.J. Mangelsen                                                 586-4533
Dick Mangelsen                                               586-4410
John R. Manly                                                 586-3792
Thomas Mann                                                  586-3107
Manor Trailer Park & Apartments                    586-3251
Manston Development Corporation                 586-3562
Edna Mantor                                                    586-4888
Mar-Lou-Win-Acres                                        586-3154
Mar-Tricia Gift Shop                                       586-4594
Michael Marden                                               586-4428
     Residence                                                    586-4639
Marden-Steffens Realtors                                 586-4428
     Michael Marden                                          586-4639
     Fred F. Steffens                                           586-3512
Robert W. Mardock                                         586-3912
Johnny Marks                                                  586-3475
Edith A. Marriott                                             586-4334
J.B. Marsh                                                        586-4843
Marshall Cottages                                             586-4551
Paul E. Marshall                                               586-4543
Anna Martin                                                    586-4778
Bettie D. Martin                                               586-3788
Julia Martin                                                      586-4455
L. Leo Martin                                                  586-4362
Louis W.  Martin                                              586-3712
Phil Martin                                                       586-3223
Webb D. Martin                                               586-4737
Brian Marts                                                      586-3445
John Marty                                                      586-3640
Mrs. John G. Mason   
                       Long Distance – Allenspark      747-2206
Luthera Mason                                                 586-3740
Masonic Lodge AF & AM Number 183          586-9833
Mary E. Mathews                                             586-4988
Mrs. Ganel S. Matlack                                      586-3355
William N. Matteson                                        586-3709
Matthews Gift Haven                                       586-3220
Ted R. Matthews                                              586-4125
Mrs. Alma M. Mattson                                     586-3379
Maulsby Spruce Hill Cottages                          586-4889
Royal R. Maxwell & Royal W Maxwell
      Chiropractors     Loveland  Long Distance 667-1458
Chester A. May                                                586-3972
Everett May                                                     586-3525
W.E. May                                                        586-3747
Mayme’s Beauty Shop                                     586-3293
E.R. McAllister                                                586-4336
Gregg McBride                                                586-3693
Ann McCall                                                     586-4585
Pat McCarey                                                    586-4950
Pearl E. McCartney                                          586-4908
Hugh C. McCleery                                           586-3900
R.J. McColloch                                                586-4753
L.D. McCollom                                                586-4958
Bert J. McConnell                                            586-4107
Howard A. Mack McConnell                           586-4225
Frank L. McCormick                                       586-3991
V.L. McCracken                                              586-4198
Dr. William McCreery                                      586-3038
S.E. McCreless                                                 586-3282
James H. McDonald                                         586-4196
T.H. McDowell                                                586-3095
Fern L. McFadden                                           586-3769
Mrs. Alice McGraw                                          586-4378
Frank McGraw                                                 586-9916
McGraw Guest Ranch                                      586-9916
McGregor Heights Cottages                             586-3457
Miss Greta McHarry                                         586-4282
Douglas McHendrie                                         586-3679
R. McKague                                                     586-3048
Glen McKee                                                     586-3586
J.R. McKelvey                                                 586-3494
P.V. McKelvey                                                586-4457
Agnes A. McKenzie                                         586-3451
Howard W. McKinley                                      586-3001
Mrs. Roy McKnight                                         586-4247
Myrtle A. McLeod                                           586-3461
Earl McMullen                                                 586-4745
W.S. McNeil                                                    586-4661
David McNeill  insurance                                 586-4556
    Residence                                                     586-4556
Walter McNulty                                               586-3862
Meadow Gold Dairies  Boulder  Long Distance  442-3331
Meadowdale Hills Inc.                                     586-4914
Ben Mechling                                                  586-3495
J.R. Medart                                                      586-4569
L.M. Medlenka                                                586-4579
Meeker Park Lodge                                         586-3072
D.J. Melvin                                                      586-3911
G.P. Menard                                                    586-4112
Mary M. Mendenhall                                       586-4033
Andrew L. Mengel                                           586-3105
E. Ray Mercado                                                586-3771
Isobel C. Mercer                                              586-4068
Charles W. Merrifield                                       586-3832
Harold A. Merrill                                             586-3160
Meyer Black Canyon Ranch                             586-4648
Curry L. Meyer                                                586-4648
E.P. Meyers                                                     586-3887
K.S. Michael                                                    586-3971
William F. Mierke                                            586-4497
Miles Cottages                                                  586-3185
Harry R. Miles                                                 586-3185
Howard C. Miles                                              586-4941
Philip J. Millar                                                 586-4942
Miller Brothers Truck Line                              586-3429
     If no answer call                                         586-4595
C.E. Miller                                                       586-4570
Charles J. Miller                                               586-4160
Miller Curio Shop                                            586-3437
Dirwood Miller                                                 586-3838
Mrs. Dorothy Miller                                         586-4143
Frank Miller                                                     586-3659
Joe B. Miller Custom Builder                           586-4104
Mrs. L.D. Miller                                               586-3978
Larry L. Miller                                                 586-3513
Louis Miller                                                     586-4669
Mrs. Neva N. Miller                                         586-4065
Pat H. Miller                                                    586-3993
Ray Miller                                                        586-9832
W. Kyle Miller                                                 586-4100
Miller’s Motor Court                                        586-4100
Russell E. Millett                                              586-3226
James G. Milne                                                586-4861
Mira’s Nitemare                                               586-4055
Joe B. Mitchell                                                 586-4501
Louis Mitsdarffer                                             586-4549
Mobil Service Station                                       586-9844
Richard A. Moeller                                          586-3288
Arthur Moinat                                                  586-3986
L.C. Molander                                                 586-4344
Monogram Shop                                              586-3618
Richard F. Montony                                         586-3612
Henry A. Montrose                                          586-3804
Montrose’s Holiday House                               586-3239
Gardner Moore                                                 586-3854
James B. Moore                                               586-4162
Louis B. Moore                                                586-4885
Steven Moore                                                  586-3204
Thomas G. Moore                                            586-3400
Merl Morehead                                                586-4139
Charles R. Morgan                                           586-3561
Harvey E. Morgan                                           586-4133
James T. Morgan                                             586-3033
James Theron Morgan                                     586-4924
Glenn Morris                                                   586-3644
Ida Morris                                                        586-3559
Jerry Moulton                                                  586-3023
Mountain Coin-Op Laundry                            586-9973
Mountain Dew Liquor                                     586-3329
Mountain Home Gas Company                        586-4673
Mountain Meadow Court                                 586-3480
Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph
                                                          Company  586-4481
     For other information see introductory pages
                                                           or            Dial Operator
Mountain Valley Enterprises Inc.                     586-3856
Raymond W. Moutoux                                    586-3734
Emanuel V. Moutsos                                        586-4110
Harry Muhlbradt                                              586-4342
Allen E. Muir                                                   586-4072
Earl W. Muirhead                                            586-3273
Jerry Mullen Horseshoe Lodge           
     See Horseshoe Lodge                                  586-4421
R.A. Muller                                                      586-4675
Virgil Munsinger                                             586-4531
John Murdoch                                                 586-4050
Murdock Manor & Trailer Park                                  
     See Manor Trailer Park & Apartments        586-3251
Leo Murphy                                                    586-3128
Dr. David E. Musgrave                                    586-3005
Paul Mutchler                                                  586-4020
C. Lou Myers                                                   586-4445
Dan H. Myers                                                  586-3263
George W. Myers                                             586-4670
W.O. Myers                                                     586-3680

[182 distinct entries]


Mike Nagl                                                        586-3182
Earl L. Nailon                                                  586-3002
Joseph T. Nance                                               586-3059
National Forest Tours                                       586-4207
National Park Hotel                                          586-9877
National Park Resort                                        586-4563
National Park Service
     See United States Government
National Park Village                                       586-3183
National Park Village Livery Stable                 586-4759
Louise Neal                                                      586-3188
Bertha Neale                                                    586-4171
Mrs. E.R. Neff                                                 586-4876
Everett Nefzger                                               586-4520
Eldon Neibling                                                586-4291
W.A. Neiswanger   Allenspark  Long Distance 747-2388
Kenneth Gene Nelson                                      586-4010
L.S. Nelson                                                      586-4963
Larry S. Nelson, Jr.                                          586-4776
Mrs. Ruth A. Nelson                                        586-4560
Robert W. Netting                                            586-4992
Henry N. Neuman                                            586-3108
J.B. Neville                                                      586-4056
Josephine Newberry                                         586-3047
J.W. Newby                                                     586-3966
H.S. Newson Company                                   586-4418
Mrs. Earl W. Newton                                       586-4135
Mrs. Alfred S. Nickless                                    586-3782
Harold K. Niebur                                             586-4622
Nifty Cafe                                                        586-9937
Emma Nighswonger                                        586-4131
Nihart Motel                                                    586-4947
Mrs. John A. Nixon, Sr.                                   586-3519
F.H. Bob Noble                                                586-4542
Noddin Frog                                                    586-4359
James C. Noha                                                 586-4136
C.W. Nold                                                        586-3894
Mrs. Martha Nord                                            586-3556
Rex Norman                                                    586-4393
Norman’s Blue Spruce Cottages                     586-4393
H.D. Northrup                                                 586-3671
Northrup’s Eagle Cliff Cottages                      586-3671
Harry Norton                                                   586-4297
Norton’s Cafe                                                  586-4297
Fred J. Novak                                                  586-4038
Mrs. Claire Noyes   real estate                         586-3147
     Residence                                                    586-4288
Elwin Noyes                                                    586-4407
The Nut Shack                                                 586-3169
George Nytes                                                   586-4111
[45 distinct entries]


Elah L. O’Brien                                                586-3175
Occidental Life Insurance of California
                        Fort Collins   Long Distance     586-2698
Mrs. R.A. O’Connell                                        586-3098
Ernest O’Dell                                                   586-4678
Clair O’Donnell                                               586-4831
Mrs. Irene Ogier                                              586-3965
Elmer A. Olander                                             586-4005
Old Plantation Restaurant                                 586-9915
Eric Oldberg                                                    586-4997
Marion Oldham                                                586-3290
Berry Oliver                                                     586-3727
Gail Oliver                                                       586-4039
V.V. Oliver                                                      586-4965
Oliver’s Green Mountain Motel & Cottages     586-4256
Quentin Olsen                                                  586-4868
Ronald G. Olson                                              586-4272
Olympus Lodge                                                586-3223
John W. O’Neal                                                586-4779
Oriental Rug Shop                                           586-4234
Elmer H. Orris                                                 586-3418
Gilbert H. Osgood                                            586-3009
James M. O’Shea, Jr.                                        586-4738
Mrs. John Osterberg                                         586-3988
Sprewell Owen                                                 586-3149
Thomas C. Owens                                            586-4067

[25 distinct entries]


John W. Page                                                   586-3536
G.J. Paglia                                                        586-3617
Ed Palmer Agency                                           586-4292
Edward L. Palmer                                            586-3118
F.E. Palmer                                                      586-4771
Park Lodge                                                      586-3720
Park Oil Inc.                                                    586-3638
     Lester P. Wurtele                                         586-3602
S. Norman Park                                                586-3184
Mrs. T.B. Park                                                 586-4919
Park Theatre                                                    586-4195
     If no answer call                                         586-4306
Bruce D. Parker                                               586-3136
Lee Parker                                                       586-3975
Ruth B. Parker                                                 586-4680
Park’s Pine Haven                                            586-3184
Parkview Motel & Cottages
     See Timberline Motel                     
William G. Parrott                                            586-3431
Pat Ash Cameras of Colorado                           586-3139
Patcraft Wood Arts                                           586-3564
Donald W. Patrick                                            586-4906
H.D. Patrick                                                     586-3137
Lloyd Patten                                                    586-3564
Luther L. Patterson                                          586-4404
Roger W. Patterson                                          586-4524
N.J. Paul                                                          586-4847
Stan Paynter                                                     586-3052
William B. Paynter                                           586-4884
Pearl’s Beauty Shop                                         586-4350
E.R. Pearson                                                    586-3508
Kenneth Pearson                                              586-3249
Pearson Metal Works                                       586-3157
George Peck, Jr.                                               586-3397
James R. Perney                                               586-4357
Carl Peters                                                        586-4083
Don Peterson                                                   586-4581
N.T. Petrocine                                                  586-4396
Petticoat Lane Beauty Shop                              586-3101
Ralph D. Pettit                                                  586-3637
Louis Pettyjohn                                                 586-4912
Robert Pfuetze                                                 586-3751
Howard E. Phelps                                            586-3844
Jerry R. Phillips                                                586-3763
Martha Phillips                                                 586-3073
Phillips Petroleum Products                              586-4397
Lester Philp                                                      586-4637
Philp’s Sterling Cottages                                  586-4637
Dayton Pickett                                                 586-3236
Sam C. Pilkington                                            586-4374
Pine Cone Shop                                                586-3577
Pine Knot Woodwork Shop                             586-3844
Pine View Cottages                                          586-3418
Pioneer Gift Shop                                            586-4561
J. Raymond Plank                                            586-3307
Plantation Restaurant
          [Old Plantation Restaurant]                    586-9915
H.E. Platt                                                         586-4168
Jules Plaut                                                        586-3742
Playgrounds    Stanley Park                             586-9928
Pogzeba Art Galleries                                       586-3261
Pohly Exploration Company                            586-3316
Richard A. Pohly                                             586-3528
Igor B. Polevitzky                                            586-3664
Police Department                                            586-4466
Jess Poling Electric                                           586-3456
     Jess Poling                                                  586-3590
Richard D. Poling                                            586-4222
E.E. Polley                                                       586-3076
Ponderosa Campground                                   586-4230
Ponderosa Homes Inc.                                     586-4630
Ponderosa Lodge                                             586-4233
Buel F. Porter                                                   586-4329
Dwight D. Porter                                              586-4579
Harry B. Porter                                                586-3633
Robert L. Porter                                               586-4643
Merlin K. Potts                                                 586-4130
Mrs. Carrie Poulos                                           586-4571
Mrs. Grace Powell                                            586-3831
M.W. Pratt                                                       586-3752
Stanley J. Pratt                                                 586-4045
Gailen Primrose                                               586-4893
Robert J. Pringle                                              586-3212
Virginia K. Pringle                                           586-4879
Lula Pritchard                                                  586-3524
Frank Prochaska                                              586-3989
Prospect Inn                                                     586-9944
Prospect Terraces                                             586-3296
Glenn Prosser                                                   586-3686
Neil A. Putnam                                                586-3826

[86 distinct entries]


Edward Quinn                                                 586-3756

[1 distinct entry]


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