Up and running

Stop by and pick up your "Back the Mac" stickers/posters/signs to display in your windows or yard.
This campaign will only be effective if you spend money to show how angry you are.
Note:  Image may be subject to copyright
Disclaimer:  At some point during the efforts to bring back Dr. MacAlwee, even while there is a good chance he could return if only we could find enough qualified candidates to run for the board, I could switch my allegiance to support candidates who strongly advocated for his dismissal from the hospital since the beginning (see below).  Also, it is quite likely I will not file to run for this board.

Addendum:  Yes, yes, I know I organized the sale of the "No Loop" signs, and strongly encouraged others to invest time and money fighting the Loop,  but here is the kind of candidate I can throw my weight behind this election cycle:


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