Dow = More down

I wasn't that disappointed with the stock market today.  The Dow piddled around unchanged for most of the session until traders decided to cash in for the weekend.
The Dow closed below the low for the year, but this was not a "oh boy we're worried, drop", this was a "let's see who we can flush out on Monday" drop.  Monday morning, the Dow will open lower.  At the moment it hits 23,300, I will be back in buying.  You may not have the fortitude, but I'm telling you, it won't do much of anything bad next week, and if it closes higher for three straight days over the next two weeks, you might have already missed the boat to money town.

How's that Duke-Michigan NCAA men's BB final match-up prediction I made yesterday looking now?  Why do you nonbelievers doubt me?


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