Kwashiorkor babies

Let's move this discussion forward, shall we?
(1) Way too many rumors are currently in circulation about WHY Dr. Mac was physically assaulted in his own hospital two weeks ago.  If it is regarding abortion, I'll be the dumb guy in the room and ask:  Does the Elizabeth Knutsson hospital (I refuse to call it a medical center) provide abortion services?  If a woman 13 weeks pregnant comes into the ER bleeding and obviously miscarrying, is someone capable and willing to do a vacuum aspiration to remove the remaining aborted parts?
(2) It is clear Dr. K is not going to be publicly reprimanded, and the board as comprised is stupid but not dumb (in that they have reputations to maintain at cocktail parties).  They obviously have some leg to stand on besides the fact that no newspaper will ever cover the event.  Why are they so pleased with leaving things status quo, and looking pained when anyone says they are not doing a wonderful job?  This board is essentially a bunch of retired folks and fill-ins that don't have actual jobs.  So time is not an issue for them as far as studying up on the hospital and physician dynamic.  When no one filed to run against the two incumbents, Estes Park, what kind of message do you think that sent the board (already woefully short on self-introspection prior)?  So stop playing fiddles of your own manufacture.
(3) The idea that Larry Lemming is going anywhere soon is a pipe dream.  CDIV was so proud of the fact a few months ago that everywhere Larry and MayBill were seen together, it was like watching Dean and Jerry during their heyday.  If anything, Larry will get another unmerited bonus from the board for hazardous duty (Having to pretend to care while on vacation).
(4) One of the random unsolicited letters that came in supporting Dr. Mac was from a former or current anesthesiologist who became addicted to fentanyl, and said he hoped Dr. Mac got the same help going forward.  Now that was from way out of left field.  Wasn't it?  Was this a plant by one of Dr. K's supporters?  Someone (not me) has the inside track on speaking directly to Dr. Mac or his close friends/family.  How about breaking the fourth wall and issuing a denial of this letter, and saying "I am going to leave" or "I am going to work things out".  Because you certainly didn't need to go back begging to the Elizabeth Knutsson daycare and sundown club, so why did you?
(5) Kwashiorkor babies have a real problem.  Estes Park needs to decide if this Dr. Mac thing is a real problem, or just an issue to get 150 hair-trigger locals who growl at the drop of a pin to rev up their motors again.  We've seen the result of not following through, which is a board worse than that replaced, UNLESS YOUR ENTIRE MOTIVATION, RECALL BOARD, WAS TO GET RID OF A BOARD PRESIDENT YOU DIDN'T LIKE, regardless of whether her replacement was Mussolini or Idi Amin (famously quoted as saying, "You cannot outrun a bullet.").  Mission accomplished on that.
(6) What can be done in the short term to start fixing the problem?  Well, there is someone running for hospital board who is not one of MayBill's Washington Generals pushovers  But rallying around that individual presents a bit of a dilemma, since he obviously doesn't exist.


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