
Showing posts from August, 2020

It's summer 2020, do you know where your donuts are?

About six months ago, when the "For Sale" sign went back up at 865 Moraine (the home of the former Soda Splash and the former Chicken Fried Latte/Antonio's Frozen Pizza Slice, both of which apparently opened so they could close - see the handbook on tax write-offs, or was this just poor management?), I posted something in a Facebook group asking whether things were perhaps not as cotton candy as first portrayed, when whoever (I have my theories) put up the sign promising "Donuts!/Coming Summer 2020".  I was quickly attacked, ridiculed, and shortly thereafter kicked out of that group, for merely raising the possibility that whoever (I have my theories) wasn't being entirely honest about how successful and well thought out the dream of building a donut shop across from a donut shop was, and how reality might interfere with narcoleptic, hashish-catalyzed dreams.  You can't have your unicorn fantasy dashed by some "truther" raised on reality, espec