Updates - Town administrator reads social media, town museum doesn't

We learned yesterday, courtesy of social media, that our town administrator follows Facebook and "Social media" [sic].  Surprisingly, the pedophile pika still hasn't been removed, so he is a selective reader, or only looks at the pictures.

The only place I've seen concern expressed about timely completion of the Elkhorn Avenue utilities replacement project is Facebook, but admittedly, I don't follow Tinder or Grindr, so it could possibly be a hot topic elsewhere.

In contrast, the town administrator doesn't follow his own estes.org website, or much care about it if he does.  Nor does his PIO, nor does the taxpayer-supported museum staff, because the town museum still has its only April 2018 program listing, an expired bookclub from a week ago, still on the agenda.  Perhaps the museum staff has invented time travel.  I'm sure they are all standard IQ or above, so, if they haven't, I'm puzzled why this outdated listing remains on the calendar.
Anybody wanna go to the bookclub last week?  This is the program calendar on estes.org as of 26 April 2018


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