Check your clock (s) ! (!!)

Unlike other gifted items, CDIV's gifted countdown clocks should be looked directly in the mouth, because only some of them are working properly.  This morning, around 10:15 a.m. MDT, I checked his clocks mailed to different recipients - some are accurate, some are still stuck in the 1 day 4 hour cement.  I swear, when I looked at the defective clocks from another computer earlier in the day, they were wrong, but not this wrong (they were registering 20 hours remaining when they should have said 11 hours remaining, but at least the number of days remaining, zero, was correct).
Screen grabs taken within seconds of each other.  If your clock's description uses black font, trash it
The important point it, look at the sun, construct a sundial, or rely on those timekeeping devices that have proven reliable in the past, because I would hate for the vote totals to be down because of defective countdown clocks.


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