Eating Leftovers

Here are the final 2018 town board election results compared to the initial results, and the final entrance fee price increases for RMNP (versus the insane initial proposal of $70 per car).  Clip and save.

Change from preliminary count 
Total votes 1965 to 1981 = +16 (10 to 15 ballots withheld to preserve anonymity of UOCAVA voters)
David Shirk 440 to 443 = +3
Bob Holcomb 250 to 252 = +2
Marie Cenac 918 to 925 = +7
Barbara MacAlpine 477 to 478 = +1
Ken Zornes 640 to 644 = +4
Art Messal 449 to 455 = +6
Ward Nelson 500 to 503 = +3
J. Scott Webermeier 604 to 609 = +5
Carlie Speedlin Bangs 679 to 687 = +8
Michelle Hiland 386 to 395 = +9

16 ballots cast x 3 votes per ballot maximum = 48 votes maximum
3 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 9 = 48 votes
Every ballot included three votes
"Extra" votes arranged most to least
Michelle Hiland +9
Carlie Speedlin Bangs +8
Marie Cenac +7
Art Messal +6
J. Scott Webemeier +5
Ken Zornes +4
Ward Nelson +3
Dave Shirk +3
Bob Holcomb +2
Barbara MacAlpine +1
There are multiple ways 16 ballots could be filled out to achieve these results, but here is one possibility:
Ballot #1 = Hiland Messal MacAlpine
Ballot #2 = Hiland Messal Zornes
Ballot #3 = Hiland Messal Webermeier
Ballot #4 = Hiland Messal Webermeier
Ballot #5 = Hiland Messal Cenac
Ballot #6 = Hiland Messal Cenac
Ballot #7 = Hiland Bangs Webermeier
Ballot #8 - Bangs Webermeier Zornes
Ballot #9 - Cenac Zornes Shirk
Ballot #10 - Bangs Cenac Holcomb
Ballot #11 - Hiland Shirk Holcomb
Ballot #12 - Bangs Cenac Nelson
Ballot #13 - Bangs Shirk Nelson
Ballot #14 - Bangs Nelson Hiland
Ballot #15 - Bangs Cenac Webermeier
Ballot #16 - Bangs Cenac Zornes

If the clerk is still just holding back the final 15 ballots cast, rather than randomly selecting 15 ballots, it would appear Michelle Hiland told some of her supporters to wait until the last few minutes to submit their ballots, as she had one of the highest percentages of final votes cast, and one of the lowest percentages of total votes cast.


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