Thanks for the heads up, reader

Not Bryan, not Douglass, not Patrick Henry - America's best native-born orator, ever, bar none
I don't care what your upbringing or your education or your neighborhood or your sorry ass friends have you convinced is true or right or "the way it is", this individual should be celebrated by all, every day, for his gift of sifting through the nonsense to speak reality.  Let us all, each of us, work tirelessly, without resorting to intimidation or violence, to overcome ignorance and make this world a just place for everyone.  (Disclaimer:  If you snuck in here illegally, or really feel you are an at-risk refugee requesting asylum, please mind your manners and attempt to pay for all services received and at least make it on time to immigration court.  As should be eminently clear, we have enough trouble providing justice and fair treatment to our own, including those whose ancestors arrived here against their will.) 

Update:  Here is a link to the interview in its entirety:

Listen for these remarkable quotes (these aren't exact transcripts) that begin piling up in the last 10 minutes of the segment, when Dr. King, courteous throughout, and somehow able to respond without irony to the questions as asked, starts ignoring the clumsiness of the questions (or the interviewer Sander Vanocur, exhausted from having to think so hard, falls back on generic "what do you want?" stand-bys) and warms up to the real issues faced by African-Americans in 1967 (at the height of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War):

(1) Jimmy Baldwin said on one occasion, "What advantage is there in being integrated into a burning house?"

(2) There are three evils in our nation - It's not only racism, but economic exploitation of poverty, and militarism.

(3) Some of the old optimism was a little superficial...we still have a long, long way to go.

(4) We've got to learn to live together as brothers...We got our gains over the last 12 years at bargain rates (in the context of whites being perfectly willing to grant equality when it didn't cost them anything).


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