I hate to be a broken record, but

You all are going to have to start calling me "Skip".  225 points today and still climbing.
Five day chart of the Dow.  We are currently up 1000 points off Monday's low. 
See, there are people who recognize opportunity calling in this world, and there are others who watch opportunity and the world pass them buy.  If anyone else is keeping track, this is going to be the third day with a positive close, and I told you to wait no longer than the second day.  What are you waiting for?

Scratch, scratch, scratch.  The needle only hurts if you don't use the tone arm.  Those who may just be joining us, I told everyone we had reached the bottom at noon on Monday.  Two hours early, but no one took advantage of that call besides me anyway.  You all thought I was spouting nonsense.  Since Monday, you are currently $1000 less wealthy than me.


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