Coming soon - Another empty seat on the Estes Valley Planning Commission

Jim and Betty Hull, who travel extensively and share a love for antique automobiles, are likely going to have more time soon to devote to activities other than community service.  I have nothing against Betty, despite the fact that she lifted nary a finger in my attempt to help the Seniors stay in their building, but it may simply have boiled down to a lack of time, given that she was busy setting up a server in her bathroom to subvert transparency.  Again, her long list of accomplishments and time served (rattled off to the Larimer County Commissioners at the drop of a hat) may save her from the bad press and calls for replacement this email will likely generate (I'm sure Ron Norris has already forwarded it to himself and all of his offspring), but I see this really as a defiant "I'm tired, fire me" email than a "let's get this out there" hanging of laundry on the clothes line in hopes of working towards a resolution.  And so Belva White (blargh), just through simple attrition, is soon to head the local planning commission, which will then genuflect to developers' desires (she's from Tulsa, where big money runs the show), rather than risk offending the town board by making things messy and advocating for homeowners.


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