Let's play a game - Updated on Friday April 20

The Estes Park Museum held a book club program yesterday.  It was the only program open to the public in April.  In fact, the once-a-month book club has been the only history-related program offered by the museum and open to the public for the past six months (whether or not it was "free and open to the public" depended on how quick you were reserving any library copies of the book).

Note how quick the museum changed their sign after the Senior Center was kicked down the road.
Lightning fast (any thoughts about trimming back that bush?)
Now, let's count the number of days they leave their one and only already-expired program up on the town website.
Screen-grabbed earlier today - April 19, 2018
Screen-grabbed earlier today - April 20, 2018
Yet somehow, they were able to update their Facebook page - Screen grab from
3:30 p.m. Friday, April 20 - 8 hours earlier would be 7:30 a.m.


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