Couple of teasers to get you through to 8:00 p.m.

From our weekend polling and speaking with more than a few of the folks who voted today, here are some treats to tide you over until the first release of preliminary results around seven-thirty to 8 o'clock.  This does not reveal anything that would keep people from dropping off their completed ballots prior to the 7:00 p.m. deadline, so BACK OFF.

We can assert with 99% confidence:
(1) At least one of two incumbents will be on the new town board
(2) At least three of four female candidates will not be on the new town board
(3) At least one of four candidates with a last name beginning with a letter taken from the last half of the alphabet (N to the end) will be on the new town board.

Check back and 6:00 p.m. for more clues.

UPDATE the following day:  Wow.  These were the worst of the three predictions.  From our polling numbers, Ward Nelson was consistently running much better.  He really needs to ask himself why a relatively high approval rating and a low "absolutely not" index translated into tepid support when it came time for voters to fill out their ballots.


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