And still we have a pedophile pika?

Man, I've been working under a fog for the past month, keeping Ernest LeRoy Baldwin separate from Roy and Hazel Baldwin separate from Jack Baldwin and the Baldwin Inn in the Big Thompson Canyon.

Thank you Boulder County historian Silvia Pettem for setting me straight.

Ernest LeRoy Baldwin and Roy Baldwin were the same person.  They were both born in 1894 and died in 1976 and were the same exact person.  So however you want to refer to them, as Roy Baldwin or Ernest LeRoy Baldwin, they both were adopted by Edward L. and Flora Baldwin, they both married Hazel Epler in Greeley in April 1918, they both went away to fight in the war in the summer of 1918, and they both had a sister who died in the State Industrial School for Girls in Morrison in November 1918, thanks to our pedophile pika honoree.
Here is the first specific mention I can find of Marguerite as an actual person rather than an adopted baby.  Throughout her short, troubled, abused by older males life, she also went by the names Esther M., Margaret, Margarita, and/or Ritta.   This is from the Thursday, 19 December 1907 Loveland Reporter, when she was either 4 or 5 years old.

Wow, does this suddenly make things all the more icky that we continue to honor the man who destroyed Roy and Hazel Baldwin's parents by molesting Roy's sister.


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