If, and this is a big if

Markets are now in listless consolidation mode through the end of the week, so take this opportunity, if you still haven't gotten in when I told you to weeks ago (and have been reminding you since that time) to buy any of your favorites on the dips.

I have made bunches of money in physical silver over the past 30+ years, but none recently, in fact, my last major purchase was a few years back when silver was $20/ounce, and I knew it was a bad decision when I bought it (at least I knew I was going to be holding onto it for awhile before another pop).

Today's action, and that of the past week, looks like silver is ready for said pop (sorry for your loss, Greg).  Fridays are always the heartbreaker, and we could see it fall right back down into the mid-16's tomorrow, but if it doesn't, I would be happy with acquiring a bit (we'll, I'm not going to, but you might be happy doing so) and selling when it hits $20.  Twenty bucks is your ceiling, because I've lost all confidence in silver, and will be unloading every last freaking ounce I've got left at that price.  So my volume will have to find a few willing buyers before the next rise.  And again, given that silver has been under $20 for so long, why would it feel compelled to suddenly like the view on the other side of the ceiling?


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