Why don't we just install an ER in the high school

From the "boy, how's this for a dumb idea" department, we have another well-intentioned waste of money proposal taking up the school board's time.

I love statistics, especially when they have no relevance to reality on the ground.  How many people attending the Estes Park schools die each year from trauma occurring within the schools themselves?  How much does "apply direct pressure" cost, and how do you mount in on the wall?

Are there more school kids showing up at the Estes Park emergency room with undiagnosed bleeding than I'm aware of?  If this kit costs anything above a couple of gauze pads and disposable gloves, the taxpayers are being grossly overcharged.  What, are they going to include thermal cautery equipment and a power supply?  Are we going to teach surgery to seventh graders, and have them practice how to suture wounds like they were at a field hospital?  What about this as something other than one of the dumbest proposals ever am I missing?  Are we preparing for a major gun battle after closely contested football games?  Are we facing an influx of gang members from Compton?  Are we that bored that we have to spend money to hang things on walls that will never be opened or used?  Smallpox used to kill thousands of people a year, why are we not making diagnostic kits available in the school bathrooms?  An estimated 1.6 million deaths each year are attributable to diabetes - Should we require every entering student to be outfitted with an insulin pump?


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