The useless protest

Since the mayoral petition signers list went up, I've had three people contact me and ask to have their names removed, since they claim they didn't sign it, or signed it accidentally.  This is significant in one respect:  There may be a similar number of people currently on the mayor pro-tem list who, given a second chance, would ask to have their names removed as well.

Now that the mayoral recall has been deep sixed due to a lack of valid signatures, there is no reason the same isn't true of the petition to recall the mayor pro-tem.  I have informed our local news outlets of this fact, and they have done nothing, putting all their eggs in the CDIV protest basket.

CDIV is protesting the process, which is a non-starter.  What needs to be protested is the results.  I have no idea if 100-year-old residents of Good Sam's are keeping up on the ins and outs of the mountain coaster, or are simply soft targets.  Why isn't CDIV or Michelle Hurni asking?  Why, indeed, aren't CDIV or Michelle Hurni or the Trail-Gazette, all supposed opponents of the expense related to the recall, interested in examining the petitions and seeing how many people double signed Cody's recall petition?  I have asked town officials if double signing of a petition is a crime, or will simply be treated as an "innocent mistake".  If five individuals double-signed Cody's petition (as five individuals did with the mayor's), that would be game over, with no reason to protest.  But why should folks in town opposed to the recall listen to me?  Why shouldn't they instead wave meaningless protest signs and chant "Oh, woe is us" and post angry screeds to Facebook and not actually accomplish anything, as they consistently do, results never differing, approach never changing?  Welcome to Estes Park, home of the freeloader, land of the club former.


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