Gawd this brings back memories

Remember a few years back when the Lazy B was resurrected, and Mikey R creamed his knickers every time Michelle O (Michelle Oliver, not Michelle Obama) walked through the door?  There wasn't a free advertising article he wouldn't provide - I remember when the Trail-Gazette ran a front page story about how the Lazy B got in a new shipment of paper clips.

Oh, how long ago was it when the Lazy B closed?  What?  It's still going?  After all the negative reviews, it still manages to straggle up to the stage and put out the basket of dried brownies?  Well, butter (I can't believe it's not butter) my biscuits (made from Army surplus flour and creek water).

Enjoy, everyone.  Sometimes Cowboy Brad wanders in and picks up a guitar and yodels like that guy who writes the weekly column about horse hemorrhoids for the Trail, Victor Thomas whatshishame.


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