Note: Dekka Braveheart is not a retired real-estate lawyer

Dekka Lowe Braveheart may or may not appear in this image
And not a Theta.  From Texas.  Via Indiana.  Where apparently they don't have blow-up sex dolls.  Which did not cause severe emotional trauma when the first one she ever saw popped up in Estes Park.  At a neighbor's house.  Or not.  Unlike Gladys Krativz, if you don't keep your binoculars by your night stand, you probably won't see your neighbors engaging in witchcraft or soft-core porn.  Seriously, you took a photograph of this?  Would a description not have sufficed?  Did the not Thetas ever do anything risque, like lifting their dresses above their ankles?

Anyway, Dekka claimed a few months back she was done corresponding with the town.  Somehow that embargo was lifted when the town mayor expressed an opinion that didn't jibe with hers.

According to Rebecca Urquhart of Estes Park, this is not her, circa 1978
Note:  The Mayor of any town is responsible for maintaining the safety and security (financial, medical, ecumenical) of the town as best practice and majority opinion AND RECURRING ELECTIONS deem appropriate.  He or she cannot decide what is best for a small group and ignore the will of the people (for which, see Bill Pinkham, John Baudek, or any previous mayor who didn't run a business here and didn't spend more than three years living here before deciding they could run the town better, modeled on the distant and completely unrelated community they came from).

And yet, somehow, someone named Dekka Lowe Braveheart living in Estes Park has a connection to IU

This crap about what biannual nonsense joke surveys reveal or don't reveal is getting old.  The question on the survey was not:  Do you hate our current mayor, last name rhymes with bursa, and do you want him ousted?

And yet, somehow, this is also not her, from the IU Law Alumni magazine
Indeed, that is the exact question currently being posed by the recall-2019 group, and it is not being answered in the affirmative by even 10% of the voting public.  Get over yourselves.  If you dislike our current form of government, you can do one of three things:  (1) Move to where there are no blow-up dolls or people of crude, redneck behavior (umm, would a return to Texas qualify?  I've never seen the Texas flag rising over a Texas houseboat full of strippers on YouTube ever, have I?) or (2) Enter the next mayoral race, or (3) Find a candidate with your beliefs and get him/her elected.

You got it, not her
This nonsense about "How dare you advocate a view 57 other northern Colorado mayors (except Loveland's, I grant you Loveland) espouse right out in the open" is a slow houseboat to nowhere.  Get over yourself.
This might be worth a listen, staring about three minutes in with the Braveheart segment:
That segment is both funny and patronizing.  The message to the nation channeled through a Texas host who refers to everyone on his staff (white, black, no risk of suspension here) as "monkeys" is:  Our local politicians up here in Estes Park are morons.  They are lucky we moved into town to set them straight.


  1. This post should be removed immediately, and if it is, I will not file a libel charge You need to do your homework (by the way, I am not retired, and both my husband and I engaged in full time careers from the time we arrived here, working for major corporations). A Theta, really? even that news announcement is filled with inaccuracies. And, I did not take those photos.. they were taken by the neighbors whose house was just a dozen yards, neighbors who spent years of their own efforts and money improving their home, but felt forced to move due to the activities.

    Did the other 57 mayors have a Code of Conduct that said they could make a personal position without saying that it was their personal position, and not that of their Town Board.

    Did you have legal permission to use the video clip? My photo? Take the post down.


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