Less than 100 hours left

The inclement weather put a damper on the petition drive today - I drove by at 11:00 a.m. and no one was outside the post office begging for signatures.  This means the recall group still has around 350 names left to get by midnight April 15, and precious little energy left to expend in acquiring them.

The question is not "Should there be repercussions for a failed recall?" but rather "How many repercussions should be permitted for opponent of the recall to unloose on the perpetrators of the failed recall?"  Some members of the Recall 2017 group lost board positions, some slunk out of town.  Will we be saying our final goodbyes to Diana Van Der Plot?

This was an attempted coup, in which our Town Administrator left an unfortunate paper trail of appearing to be a willing participant.  No conspirers in a failed conspiracy escape without some black marks appended to their Wikipedia entries.  It is unfortunate the epcats group flamed out in so dud fizzle a way.  Whether or not they had a point about commercial developments in residential zones is now completely overshadowed by the fact they were so feckless, so unwilling to do anything beyond the bare minimum to embarrass themselves.

As previously stated, I could have obtained more signatures on a petition requesting Cowboy Brad be barbecued on an open spit, and the majority of Estes Park residents openly despise me.  None of the epcats group bothered showing up at the town board meeting last night to speak in support of the proposed code changes, which the two subjects of the recall easily deflected BECAUSE the impotent opposition's failed coup has had just the opposite of its intended effect - The mayor and pro-tem are now empowered, and can and will easily win re-election if they chose to run.

So thank you, hard taco shells, for surviving the long journey from factory to supermarket to plate, then breaking the moment something is put inside you.  Here's a little more Jimmy to ease all our pain:


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