The final update

 If you check the website @ you can confirm for yourself that the webmaster has entered the final update.  Now there is only one day and a four-hour window left to sign the petitions.  This is exciting.  Someone with the initials JA has hacked into the eprecall gmail account (password "recall2019"), and communications back and forth between organizers indicate they are 50 give or take short for mayor pro-tem Cody Walker, and much farther from the finish line for ousting Mayor Jirsa.  Naturally, hacking into an email account that is not your own is a federal crime. so these emails cannot be reproduced.  You'll just have to take our word for it that the push is on to find 50 additional mentally challenged individuals living or committed within the city limits to shoot this drive over Amen Corner and into the green straightjacket, so to speak.  Let's all get behind the effort and hope the weather is such that they don't have to shut down four hours early and wander around outside the library asking children leaving story hour for autographs.


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