Where's Albert Carl Milano, Jr.?

Find the panda.  Then look for Al - Has he melted?
Where is our 74-year-old impresario and money maker extraordinaire?  The man who could sell refrigerators to convicts, and sex toys to Catholic priests?  How many millions of that money raised for EPIC when it used to be on the big flat slab will be transferred over to the Stanley Fairgrounds project?  $10 million?  $25 million?  Even $1 million?  Did Al "Mint" Milano raise any money, or was it all spent on drawing architectural plans on napkins?

I love change, in fact, I would love to see the pocket change EPIC currently has in the bank, compared to all the money they've spent filling the pockets of board members and architects and website designers.  It's May 2018, contributors.  Do you know where your money is?


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