Dow now 10% off all-time high

And likely to drop another 5% before stabilizing mid-May.  For the year, the Dow is down 900 points, but still up over 4000 points since Trump took office.  If I haven't made it abundantly clear over the past two weeks, if you are not interested in a buy and hold strategy, right now is not a good time to be entering the market, and if you haven't sold from when I told you to buy in early April and then told you to get out last week, you definitely need to sell RIGHT NOW if your picks are still in positive territory.  We are soon to test that early-April bottom, and if there is one couplet that even non-traders or non-English speakers or no longer living people can recite by heart, it's along the lines of selling in May and you know the rest.

Six month DJI chart follows, if only to reinforce above message.  This is not a pretty picture.  If it were a daily rating of "how things with my new boyfriend/girlfriend are going" you would be entering the potential break-up zone.  There are other fish protein concentrates in the sea.  Start shopping around for other investments, perhaps look into Estes Park real estate, especially those properties bordering proposed workforce housing developments.


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