Don't despair, disenfranchised voters

A lawyer is on top of this, and we are petitioning a judge to have all mail ballots allowed as long as they are postmarked by 8 May, regardless of where they are postmarked.  This will delay the official results until 16 May.  Also, if any of you have taken advantage of the Medical Center's offer to drop off ballots to your house or deliver them for you, if you could please keep a written record of your interactions - Time of arrival, length of stay, any conversation exchanged, individual's full name.  It would be even better if you could video record this interaction on your cell phone, obviously with the individual's permission.
We are attempting to stop this ill-advised attempt to placate voters who have difficulty leaving their home, or who want to take advantage of the Medical Center's new "valet ballot delivery" service.  We understand the good intention, but the road to campaign violation is paved with good intentions, and this ad hoc solution is in violation of election laws, because there is no prearranged "chain of custody" in place (shout out to Illinois Samaritan), and the individuals who are delivering and picking up the ballots are not independent election judges or independent county-appointed officials.


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