For the PHD's next act - Miami Repo

On Monday we were told the ballots would be in our mailboxes Tuesday or Wednesday, as they had been mailed out from California April 23.  On Wednesday, lacking ballots, we were elated to find out they would arrive no later than Thursday.  Now, on Friday, ballot deficient, we are told not to despair, they are at the post office, and should be in our grubby little hands this afternoon. 
I didn't receive my ballot this afternoon, despite receiving other mail, but maybe I'm just one of the unlucky ones.  I will get up bright and early Saturday and know that my Park Hospital District CEO and Board are reliable and steadfast and never failing.  They had one job in April (they had more jobs, but they didn't make any progress on those other jobs, consumed as they were by getting ballots into the mail) and that was to print up and mail out the ballot.  If you are lucky, and not being jerked around yet again, you will get your ballot no later than 3 days prior to the election, when by all accounts, if this was a normal, above-board process, you should have received your ballot 12 days prior to the election. 

If you are unlucky, and own another residence out of town when you are not living on the property you own in town, you will not be able to vote, because you won't receive your ballot prior to the cut-off, or if you do, you won't be able to get it back to Estes Park prior to the cut-off. 

This is what is known in the biz as "voter suppression" or "voter disenfranchisement".  But don't worry, I've got the LWV alerted to potential voter suppression.  It is a topic of great interest to them.  In fact, they even have a petition on their Facebook page to sign if you are against voter suppression.  So I have no doubt they will push to extend the deadline for ballots to be returned by mail.  No doubt.  If not today, then I'm sure they'll respond by tomorrow.  On Sunday.  But certainly no later that Monday.  And, heavens, how could they not weigh in with a court order to delay the cut-off on Tuesday at the very latest? 

They've got to live up to their motto, after all:  "LWV, we don't rig the elections, we make the rigging of the elections better."   


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