The Day of the J[ac]K[a]L

In 1966, Frederick Forsyth was working for the BBC, then quit shortly thereafter to cover the Nigerian Civil War on his own terms, as a freelance journalist.  If he is to be believed, he was also enlisted around this time as a spy by MI6 (the acronym derived from its designation as section 6 of Military Intel during the build-up to WWII, but more formally, and for a longer period of time referred to as SIS, Britain's Secret Intelligence Service), again, if he is to be believed, in an unpaid and decades-long relationship.
Version of the movie poster for "The Day of the Jackal" displayed in Krakow

When his nonfiction account of the war (The Biafra Story, published in 1969), failed miserably, he turned to writing spy fiction, approaching it as if he were still an investigative journalist.  The Day of the Jackal is arguably his finest work.  Taut, intelligent, believable, and naturally, leaving an inexplicable thread hanging at the end (there is no better Easter egg in modern literature than the initial letters of the suspected assassin's first and last name, Charles Calthrop, corresponding to the French word for Jackal), it predated Ludlum's Bourne Identity by nine years, but obviously gestated Jason Bourne and a host of other ubermensch with otherworldly and seemingly incongruous abilities (e.g. Jonathan Hemlock of The Eiger Sanction, who was not just a renowned art collector but also an accomplished mountain climber - although Rodney Whitaker, pen name Trevanian, claimed until his death he never read anything after the 19th century - BTW, a nice twisty introduction to Trevanian, if you're unfamiliar, is the 1983 dollop titled The Summer of Katya).

Meanwhile, in the summer of 1966, Frank Lane was calling and teaching callers the art of square dance, and, yes, we have a winner.  Halfway through (although not halfway through the alphabet, the back end letters doing very little to hold up their end of the bargain), we have found our first confirmed living representative (who, incidentally, still has the same phone number) among 1100 entries.  Sadly for Frank and his lovely wife Barbara, he already gets free coffee on those Saturdays they are able to attend, and he has no use for doughnuts.  So perhaps an autographed copy of Jackal would be in order.  Incidentally, the initial first few letters of Frank's first and last name spell the German equivalent of "Grandmother".


A.L. Jacob                                                       586-3080
Ralph L. Jacob                                                 586-4789
Homer M. Jacoba                                             586-3295
Lloyd W. Jacobe                                              586-3801
Joe Jacobs                                                        586-3116
Wanda L. Jacobs                                              586-4080
Clarence Jacobsen                                            586-4259
Edna B. James                                                  586-4253
Ted James, Jr.                                                  586-3807
Ted L.L. James                                                586-3320
Frank Janosec                                                  586-3187
Arthur W. Janousek                                         586-4281
S.C. Janousek                                                   586-3266
John F. Jansen                                                  586-4800
Jax Snax                                                          586-9850
T.C. Jelsema                                                     586-4626
Mrs. Mary E. Jenkins                                       586-4298
T.A. Jenkins                                                     586-4109
Jenni’s Beauty Shop                                         586-3592
A.L. Jimmie Jensen                                          586-4790
Jerry Mullen’s Horseshoe Lodge                      586-4421
          See Horseshoe Lodge
Jerry’s Sandwich Shop                                     586-9940
Marjorie Jervis                                                 586-4740
B.W. Jewell                                                      586-3326
Mrs. John Johantgen                                        586-4830
Johnny A. Johnsen                                           586-4438
Beryl R. Johnson                                              586-4672
Charles A. Johnson, Jr.                                     586-3781
Ethel Johnson                                                  586-4053
Forest Johnson                                                 586-4512
Mrs. George W. Johnson                                  586-3643
Ralph Johnson                                                 586-4289
Willard Johnson                                               586-4503
Johnson’s Dry Goods                                       586-4521
Charles R. Johnston                                          586-3746
Darrell Johnston                                               586-4974
Dennis N. Johnston                                          586-4652
R.L. Johnston                                                   586-4798
Roe Johnston                                                   586-4777
Thomas L. Johnston                                         586-3122
William C. Johnstone, Jr.                                  586-3861
Richard Jolley                                                  586-4627
Jolly Jug Liquor Store                                      586-3662
Albert L. Jones                                                 586-4087
Andy Jones Agency - See Ed Palmer Agency 586-4292
Mrs. Elmer Jones                                             586-3581
Henry L. Jones                                                 586-3968
John C. Jones                                                   586-3113
O.M. Jones                                                       586-4238
Jones Realty                                                     586-4332
Stannie Jones                                                   586-4644
Thor V. Jorgensen                                           586-3510
Jubilee Club [Club Jubilee]                              586-9869
Jubilee Dining                                                  586-4090
A.L. Judish                                                      586-4366
Marvin T. Judy                                                586-3044
John C. Juhl                                                     586-3254
Gary Junker                                                     586-3090

[58 distinct entries]


KOA Campground                                           586-9852
Carrie M. Kain                                                 586-4840
Dr. Karl J. Kaiser                                             586-4923
Howard B. Kaley                                             586-4910
Kaley’s In The Pines                                        586-4910
Karl Kalina                                                      586-4015
Melvin Kallenbach                                           586-4890
H.M. Kallenberg                                              586-3035
D.A. Kane                                                        586-3691
Karmel Korn & Fudge Shop                            586-4029
Lee Karst                                                         586-3415
Linda Kay                                                        586-4216
William Kearney                                              586-4987
Mrs. Fred Keck                                                586-4534
L.L. Keever                                                     586-3084
Thomas W. Keffeler                                         586-4269
Keffeler’s Gift Toys & Records                       586-4167
Raymond Keine                                                586-3588
Kenneth Keith                                                  586-4064
Howard Keller                                                 586-3094
Richard Lee Kelly                                            586-3498
Ken & Karl’s Conoco Service Station              586-9818
     North St. Vrain Avenue location                 586-9879
Mrs. Mildred G. Kendall                                  586-4248
Orval Kendall                                                  586-3006
Karl L. Kennedy                                              586-4701
J.R. Kenner                                                      586-3087
Ken’s Bakery                                                   586-3642
Kentucky Fried Chicken                                  586-9960
Ross E. Kenyon                                               586-3735
Dolores Kerr                                                    586-4069
Rev. E. Melvin Kessinger                                 586-3322
Helen Keutzer                                                  586-3026
Kibbey Funeral Home & Ambulance Service
     Dial the Operator and ask for                      Enterprise 314
     No charge on Enterprise calls
Joe B. Kidwell                                                  586-4102
Elizabeth G. Kiewit                                          586-4171
Nelson Kilbourn                                              586-4966
Enda Mills Kiley                                              586-4706
Robert H. Kiley                                                586-4706
Lawrence D. Kilheffer                                     586-4905
R.M. Killam                                                     586-3043
Thomas J. Killinen                                           586-4754
Donald Kilton, Sr.                                            586-3463
G.N. Kimball                                                   586-4881
H.L. Kimsey                                                    586-4508
J.R. Kinder                                                       586-3774
Sybil W. Kindred                                             586-4681
Kenneth Kendal King                                      586-4303
Leon L. King                                                   586-3550
Loyal R. King                                                  586-4007
King-Smorgee                                                 586-3689
King’s Casuals                                                 586-4597
Kingstone                                                        586-4303
Louis Kinman                                                  586-4552
D.M. Kinney                                                    586-3882
Gerald E. Kinney                                             586-3132
Stevens Park Kinney 2nd                                 586-3529
Kinnikinnik Motor Hotel                                 586-4451
Bob Kirby                                                        586-4726
John Kirsch                                                      586-3995
M.C. Kittelson                                                  586-3918
George P. Kleckler                                           586-4296
Joel Kleeves                                                     586-3537
Ben Klein                                                         586-3091
John Conrad Klein                                           586-4792
Ervin Kleineider                                              586-4263
C.L. Klingelhoffer                                           586-3805
Ralph R. Knoblaugh                                        586-3702
Robert D. Knowlton                                         586-4920
S.E. Knowlton                                                 586-4856
James D. Knox                                                 586-4183
Marjorie A. Knox                                            586-4221
R.E. Knox                                                        586-3704
H.K. Knudsen                                                  586-4960
Roger L. Knutsson                                           586-3574
     If no answer call                                         586-3975
Adam Koch                                                     586-3114
R.W. Koenig                                                    586-4339
Robert L. Kolp                                                 586-4037
Phyllis B. Koons                                              586-4030
M.L. Korn                                                       586-3067
Robert L. Korte                                                586-3719
Harry Kottmeyer                                              586-4271
Mrs. Arthur L. Kramer                                     586-4604
Mrs. Natalie L. Krannig                                   586-3717
Evalyn Kreitinger                                            586-4246
Richard H. Krogh                                            586-3789
Mrs. Charles Kronkow                                     586-3848
Dean Krotter                                                    586-3728
Otto H. Krueger                                               586-3778
Arthur H. Kuhn                                                586-3649
Kunz Construction                                           586-4277
Benjamin Kurtzman                                         586-3276
Mrs. Gloria Kutasi                                            586-4079
Fred D. Kuykendall                                         586-3666

[93 distinct entries]     


Kathryn Lace                                                   586-4113
Elmer L. Lacey                                                586-3526
Nathaniel R. Lacy                                            586-4723
Raymond Laessig                                             586-4108
Peter Lahdenpera                                             586-4323
Alvis I. Lake                                                    586-3708
Lake Estes Boat Docks                                     586-9933
Lake Estes Coin-Op Dry Cleaning                    586-9847
Lake Estes Drive-In Restaurant                        586-3196
Lake Estes Motor Inn                                       586-3386
Lake Estes Western Shop                                 586-3582
Lake Sight Apartments                                    586-9934
Lake Terrace Cottages                                      586-4183
Lake Vue Cottages & Motel                             586-4221
C.E. Lambert                                                   586-3770
Minnie Lambert                                               586-3289
Louis Lamblin                                                 586-4149
Charles Lamy                                                   586-3334
Phil Lancaster                                                  586-4265
R.C. Lancaster                                                  586-4970
Nellie Boyd Landers                                        586-3473
Mrs. Frank Landon                                          586-3161
Frank D. Lane                                                  586-3696
Lane Guest Ranch                                           
     Meeker Park Long Distance – Allenspark   747-2493
George O. Larberg                                           586-3170
Lariat Lounge of Stanley Hotel                        586-3371
Larimer County Government
     County Court                                              586-3364
     Sheriff  Long Distance                                482-6442
Albert E. Larrabee                                           586-3809
John B. Larsen                                                 586-4245
Alfred Larson                                                  586-3994
Carl G. Larson                                                 586-3007
Larson Photo Studio                                        586-3124
La Siesta Motel                                                586-3443
LaSophisti Cat                                                  586-4507
     Lois Schmidt                                               586-4363
Roy Laue                                                         586-4685
Edith A. Lauterbach                                         586-3955
Carl C. Lawrence                                             586-3443
Donald Lawrence                                             586-4377
Bernard E. Lawson                                          586-3115
Rev. Fred Lawson                                            586-3029
     Residence    Loveland Long Distance         667-5236
Lazy B Ranch Chuck Wagon Suppers              586-3268
Lazy L Cottages                                               586-3708
Lazy T Motel                                                   586-4376
Ray G. Leadbetter                                            586-3303
A.J. Lebsock                                                    586-4369
Arthur Lee                                                       586-4694
Carl B. Lee                                                       586-4078
Joe R. Lee                                                        586-3847
Vivian Lee                                                       586-3981
Gerard Jerry Lefebvre                                      586-3109
P.M. Lehan                                                      586-4274
J.F. Lehman                                                     586-3881
Mrs. John F. Lehman                                       586-3606
Harry G. Liebfried                                           586-3573
Leibfried Insurance Company                          586-3573
Mrs. L. Gwen Lemley                                      586-4500
Harry Lenhart                                                  586-3232
Don Leonard                                                   586-3923
Ellis Leritz                                                       586-4944
Arch W. Leu                                                    586-4986
James Levernier                                               586-3287
Lewellen Funeral Home
                          Longmont    Long Distance   776-4477
Mrs. Grace E. Lewis                                         586-4921
Lewiston Cottages                                            586-3622
Kenneth G. Lichty                                           586-3129
Salome M. Lieser                                             586-4459
Gail L. Lindsey                                                586-3906
D. Ned Linegar                                                586-4184
Robert Lingard                                                586-3011
Harvey Linstrom                                              586-3766
Pauline B. Linthicum                                       586-3555
Lions Club Concession Stand                           586-4611
Mrs. A.L. Litel                                                 586-4115
The Little Country Cupboard                           586-3428
Ellis C. Littmann                                              586-4703
Georgia Livingston                                          586-3641
R.J. Lloyd                                                        586-3037
Gladdis Loehr                                                  586-3969
W.H. Lofquist  Certified Public Accountant     586-3294
     Residence                                                    586-4049
Log Cabin Agency                                           586-3147
Log Cabin Waffle Kitchen & Bakery Inc.        586-9866
William E. Logue                                             586-3496
Charles Loloff                                                  586-3846
Lone Pine Acres Sub-Division                         586-3458
Alice Long                                                       586-4075
Longmont Sanitary Services
                            Longmont    Long Distance 776-0062
Phil A. Looney                                                586-3864
Mrs. Elma Love                                              586-3405
Loveland Heights Court                                  586-3084
Galen L. Lovenburg                                        586-3219
Roger Low                                                       586-3674
Calvin T. L’Roy                                               586-3738
Sam A. Luce    Physician and Surgeon             586-4455
     Residence                                                    586-4266
Luckett Oil Company                                       586-4397
Agnes Lucus                                                    586-4233
G.M. Ludlum                                                   586-4129
R. Luhrs                                                           586-3962
Florence M. Lutz                                             586-3677
Mrs. Lutz Foods                                               586-3153
James T. Lynch                                                586-3492
Richard N. Lyons                                             586-4839

[105 distinct entries]


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