Paul M. Fishman for President*

This is Paul J. Fishman, the former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey.  He is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and knows how to prosecute a case.  For example, he successfully prosecuted "Bridgegate", which eventually led to the conviction of four individuals responsible for shutting down traffic from Fort Lee, New Jersey, into Manhattan as an act of retribution for the Fort Lee mayor not supporting New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's re-election campaign.
This is Paul M. Fishman, former Estes Park restaurateur turned henchman.  He recently learned how to use the trustee-mayor email access as a personal bulletin board.

Estes Park's Mayor has attempted to engage Paul M. Fishman in conversation, to calm him down a bit.  I have attempted to engage Paul M. Fishman in conversation, to calm him down a bit.  The Estes Park Trail-Gazette has attempted to engage Paul M. Fishman in conversation, to calm him down a bit.

Paul M. Fishman will have none of it.  He wants the town board to hold an emergency special session to censure everyone who has ever said anything bad about Paul M. Fishman.  Does he have justice on his side?  Well, let's see, he claims the Trail-Gazette is doing a hatchet job on his favorite ex-VEP CEO because "she has the receipts".  If she had the receipts, why would she fill out forms used when people don't have their receipts?  If I have my driver's license, why would I go down to the DMV and say I lost my driver's license?

Paul M. Fishman will have none of it.  He wants people to stop using their power of free speech to communicate with outlying communities about anything, because communication and knowledge and the exchange of information just end up reflecting badly on Estes Park.  If Paul M. Fishman could built a hermetically-sealed dome over Estes Park, he would do it right now.  Because anyone other than Paul M. Fishman opening their mouth, unless they are reading talking points prepared by Paul M. Fishman, is destroying Estes Park.  Physically crushing buildings and causing stock market corrections.  The streets are empty on weekends, the monthly economic dashboard resembles a car with a dead battery, all because people in town are not Paul M. Fishman (except for Paul M. Fishman), and are instead behaving in ways that Paul M. Fishman will have none of.

If former U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman was leveling these charges, I could take them more seriously.  Since Paul M. Fishman is the one shouting himself hoarse, I'm enjoying his unhingedness mostly for its entertainment value.  But at some point, if he has friends, they probably should step in and tell him he is hurting any chances he had of losing another election in the future.  He's venturing into Patrick Cipolla and Louis O'Riordan territory, where he may be forced, for the good of the community, to relocate to Key Largo or Bonkers, sorry Yonkers, New York.

*of the Hair Club for Men


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