Getting Hostiles

According to the IMDb website, some portion of the movie Hostiles was filmed in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
Does this look like Pagosa Springs?
The movie is gorgeously shot, and the locations are breathtaking.  Being somewhat familiar with Pagosa Springs, though, I'm having trouble matching any of the exteriors with anything within a 10-mile radius of Pagosa Springs.
According to IMDb
The railway station at Chama, New Mexico served as the stand-in for Butte, Montana.  Chama is about 50 miles away from Pagosa Springs, and Pagosa Springs definitely sent some of its own down to Chama to serve as extras, one of whom is currently pedaling coal from the Chama location on Ebay.
A big-budget movie filming in a community of 2000 is generally a newsworthy event.  Filming of Hostiles took place in the summer of 2016, and Pagosa Springs' newspaper of record, the Sun, made no mention of stars Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike, Wes Studi, or director Scott Cooper hanging out at Pagosa Bar or Coyote Moon, or grabbing some caramels at the Choke Cherry Tree.  Having said that, Cooper, mentioned among the hopefuls in a Vanity Fair article covering the "movies in search of distributors perp walk" portion of the Telluride Film Festival, apparently claimed that he filmed in Pagosa Springs:

Obviously, he would know, but, then again, obviously, someone in Pagosa Springs should also know.  Point blank, I've asked the Pagosa Springs Sun editor/publisher/owner, the head of the Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, and the individual responsible for rounding up Pagosa Springs extras for the Chama shoot this exact question:  "To your knowledge, did any of the filming of the movie Hostiles take place in Pagosa Springs, or within a 10-mile radius of Pagosa Springs?"

Thus far, the question has either been simply evaded, passed on, or ignored.  Does no one in Pagosa Springs know?  Or is this a case of any publicity, even if it's not true, being good publicity?

Do I really care?  No.  But this is the perfect example of how mistruths and inaccuracies get passed along.  Again, if I'm wrong, show me where I'm wrong.  If Hostiles got anywhere close to Archuleta County during filming, send me the stills or the salient "&t=31m08s" points, or convince me it all ended up on the cutting room floor.  Otherwise, why should Colorado and the Colorado Film Commission take unwarranted credit for a movie that, on screen, appears to have been shot entirely in Arizona and New Mexico?


  1. popcornflix movies - Superb film, though quite harrowing to watch. Although the film might seem slow in parts, I never felt bored for a moment. Excellent cinematography, wonderful acting with some very complex characters. Overall the film gives a (suitably) bleak impression of a period in what is sometimes referred to as the "Indian Wars". I found myself wanting to learn more about this period of history and further educate myself. Doesn't this make a refreshing change from escapist 'Superhero' films etc? I don't object to escapist films at all, they serve a purpose - relief from the stress of modern life, but this is the kind of film needed to give an occasional dose of reality. Highly recommended!

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