Blank Check Mate

I'm so glad the VEP board has decided that, because they are incompetent, and because they were in the bag with the former CEO, there is nothing wrong with giving the CEO a blank check.

All of that would be wonderful if the money was coming from their own pockets.  But it's not.  So I think there are two options:  (1) Stop covering your ass by saying no crimes were committed.  If I come into your home and steal your television, that is a crime.  If I claim my friends authorized me to steal your television, that is still a crime.  If I say that the worst of small-town politics forced me to steal your television, guess what, still a crime.  (2) Start issuing signed blank checks to everyone, your own blank checks from your own personal checking accounts, and see how long you tolerate it. 

Here's what Estes Park citizens should do, at least those who aren't too indifferent to care how their money is being wasted, or how they are being jerked around by nose rings, like so much livestock.  They should stop allowing leeches like Lowell Richardson, who has been on the receiving end of a taxpayer-provided salary his whole life, to dictate morality to them.  They should start using the twitter handle #noblankchecks, and tweeting all their friends, and telling them to retweet, essentially give them a blank check to retweet to as many people as they want, as often as they want.  They should start making signs and planning to protest outside the next VEP board meeting.  Because obviously, the current VEP board, along with the current interim VEP CEO doesn't understand that lack of supervision does not excuse criminal behavior.  This isn't a mass looting situation, where the fabric of our society has collapsed, rules no longer apply, and the proletariat is running rampant.  We need to start hiring people who already know right from wrong, and don't have to be jailed to understand the difference.


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