Let's take a break from the 1966 Estes Park phone book for awhile (ha-ha, fooled you, H and I are posted below) to talk about my favorite state.  In August 1966, when the Estes Park phone books started appearing in local's mailboxes and on their doorsteps, the movie adaptation of a Greeley-connected author's early "masterwork", published in 1959, was nearing its release on the big screen
So-so book, intolerably bad movie -  I seriously doubt if the alii on the left would consider the Spanish-influenced feathered helmet standard beach attire
I read James Michener's Hawaii one summer at band camp (or some camp, I distinctly remember slogging through it while housed in a college dormitory prior to enrolling in college) and wasn't as enamored with it initially as I was with James Clavell's Shogun (read sometime later, likely after the miniseries, which I will never forget because of one particular scene where John Rhys-Davies, portraying a Portuguese navigator, tears into a greasy turkey leg with such gusto, I decided food must have tasted much better in the 17th century - I've never encountered a foodstuff since, either in real life or on film, that seemed so primal and looked so delicious), but ultimately, quality of writing aside (I think both books had a major influence on my repeated attempts to live for extended periods in both places, and at least while reading them, made me strangely homesick for places that weren't my home), will always have fonder memories of actual Hawaii than actual Japan (although I end up eating mostly Japanese food every time I return to Hawaii, so I'm probably lying to myself).

Enough about me and which island nation has more attractive women (surprise, it's neither, the answer is the non-island nation of Russia (or the island of Siberia within Mother Russia, if you insist, once you scrape off all the makeup - the length and breadth of the more cosmetically averse Scandinavian peninsula receiving honorable mention).  Here's two more letters of the Estes Park 1966 telephone book.  Same stipulations apply.  You don't have to be one of the mentioned individuals to earn the free coffee and donuts, you can simply point out an individual from 1966 still living in Estes Park to collect the exact same prize.


H Bar G Ranch for Girls                                  586-3688
H & B Building Corporation                           586-4098
W. Ted Hackett                                                586-4290
W.R. Haddan                                                   586-3723
Bill Hadden                                                      586-4824
W.J. Hage                                                        586-3843
Lee D. Hagemeister                                          586-3466
Al Hagen                                                         586-3916
Charles F. Haines                                             586-3916
Haines & Company Real Estate                      586-4098
Kenneth D. Hale                                              586-3783
L. DeVere Hale                                                586-3796
Frank D. Hall                                                   586-3051
George Hall                                                     586-4602
Joe Haller                                                         586-3628
C.S. Hamilton                                                  586-3271
Don Hamilton                                                  586-4347
Julius G. Hamilton                                           586-3065
R.J. Hammell                                                   586-4760
Hal Hancock                                                    586-4973
Richard J. Handy                                             586-4173
Allyn F. Hanks                                                 586-4215
Kermit R. Hansen                                             586-3830
Happy Talk Gift Shop                                      586-3503
W.J. Harbaugh                                                 586-4747
Charles H. Harbert                                           586-3627
Wendell W. Harding                                        586-3567
John M. Hardman                                            586-3165
Max Hardy                                                      586-4059
Kenneth Harger                                                586-3973
Marjorie Harkness                                            586-4943
Harmony Resort Hotel                                     586-4491
     D.L. Hart                                                    586-3663
Harrell’s General Painting Contractor               586-4262
Ivan H. Harris                                                  586-3760
Malcolm H. Harris                                           586-3163
M. Lucile Harrison                                           586-4676
Royal A. Harrison                                            586-4142
Beth Miller Harrod                                           586-4991
L.M. Harsch                                                     586-4821
C.A. Harshbarger                                             586-3888
D.L. Hart resort [Harmony Resort Hotel]         586-4491
     Residence                                                    586-3663
David F. Hart                                                   586-4653
Mrs. Loretta K. Hart                                         586-3274
Hart’s Buffeteria                                              586-9837
Charles E. Harwood                                         586-4028
George B. Hastings                                          586-4782
Dale N. Hatfield                                               586-4859
Lucille Hatlestad                                              586-3449
C.R. Hauge                                                      586-3925
Dr. Gertrude S. Hausmann                               586-3276
George Havens                                                586-3569
Wilma L. Havens                                             586-3050
Haver’s Linen Shop                                         586-4239
Don Hay                                                          586-4807
Milton R. Hayes                                               586-4338
Mrs. Scott Hayes                                              586-4605
Joe Haynes                                                       586-4187
Martha Hazelwood                                           586-4096
Charles J. Heasler                                             586-3873
James J. Heasler                                               586-4001
R.J. Heath                                                        586-4838
Betty Hedlund                                                  586-3669
Otto V. Hedstrom                                             586-4712
Fred Heinz                                                       586-3868
Edward M. Heinze                                           586-3297
Shirley M. Helm                                              586-4406
A.H. Henningsen                                             586-4097
Cecil F. Henry                                                  586-3818
Tom Hensley                                                   586-4343
Waldo Hensley                                                 586-3967
The Heraldics & Antiques Inc.                         586-4370
O.S. Herdman                                                  586-3914
Oscar Herigstad                                                586-4757
Heritage House                                                586-4176
Reed L. Herman                                               586-3062
Mrs. Coburn Herndon                                      586-4181
J. Barton Herschler                                           586-4006
Hjalmar Hertz                                                  586-3790
Hertz Rent A Car Licensee                               586-3301
C. William Herzog                                           586-3294
Charles L. Herzog                                            586-4351
Herzog’s Gift Corral                                        586-3527
Herzog’s Gift Shop                                          586-3133
     If no answer call                                         586-3527
W.J. Heubner                                                   586-4686
Hewes-Kirkwood Inn                                       586-4031
Hewlett Packard Recreation Area                     586-3279
     Freyer Lawrence                                         586-3279
Hi-C’s Motel                                                    586-3281
Hiawatha Cottages                                            586-3048
C.E. Hickman                                                  586-3539
Dr. A. Ward Hicks                                           586-4946
Clifford Hicks                                                  586-4172
C.B. Heister, Jr.                                                 586-3919
Rev. Richard Heister                                        586-4717
H.F. Higgins                                                    586-3876
Highacres Cottages                                           586-4663
Highland Cottages                                            586-4588
Highlander Motel                                             586-4070
Mrs. Charles S. Hill                                          586-4616
Dale G. Hill                                                      586-3459
Edward F. Hill                                                 586-3785
Mrs. Virginia W. Hill                                       586-4616
     Guest cottage                                              586-3092
Hillcliff Motel                                                  586-9926
Mrs. Ermel L. Hilliard                                      586-4933
Hillside Cottages                                              586-4591
George L. Himbarger                                       586-3915
Roy Hinecker                                                   586-3859
William H. Hintz                                              586-4029
Ruben Hirning                                                 586-4337
W.B. Hite                                                         586-4354
Charles F. Hix Agency                                     586-4413
     Charles F. Hix                                             586-4295
George J. Hix Insurance Agency                     586-4413
     George J. Hix                                              586-4179
Gail P. Hoagland                                              586-4716
Hobby Horse Motor Lodge                              586-3336
Mrs. Bertha Hodson                                         586-3198
Otto C. Hoehne                                               586-3082
Fred Hoerner                                                   586-9967
Donald G. Hoff                                               586-3604
James F. Hoffman                                            586-3206
Major R.G. Hoffman                                        586-3762
Vincent Hogan                                                 586-4526
Bud Hohnholz                                                 586-3605
Helen S. Holbrook                                           586-4849
Holiday Motel                                                  586-3313
Theron M. Holland                                          586-3049
Mrs. Zona Hollars                                            586-9944
A.E. Holmes                                                    586-3865
William Holt                                                    586-4806
Glenn P. Holthaus                                            586-3860
Homestead Associates Inc.                               586-4670
The Homestead                                                586-3426
Marie Homeyer                                                586-3579
Mrs. Pieter Hondius                                         586-3681
Philip N. Hood                                                 586-4750
E.A. Buzz Hoover, Sr.                                     586-3173
Horseshoe Lodge                                             586-4421
Joel W. Horton                                                 586-4589
Russell Hosenfelt                                              586-4853
Hotel Stanley                                                   586-3371
E.L. Houchen                                                  586-3665
O.L. Hough                                                     586-4619
House of Handmade Artistry                            586-3700
J.G. Houston, Jr.                                              586-4658
Charles H. Howard                                           586-3465
Rhea Howard                                                   586-3407
Walter A. Howard                                            586-3624
W.H. Howarth                                                  586-4972
W.D. Howe                                                      586-3000
E.L. Hoyt                                                         586-4182
George Hughes                                                 586-4743
Charles B. Hully                                               586-3821
Edward J. Hummer   attorney                          586-3532
     Residence                                                    586-3504
Gerald Humphrey                                            586-4044
Dr. D.L. Hunt                                                  586-4805
J. McVicker Hunt                                             586-3630
Waldo S. Hunt                                                 586-3909
Wayne Hunt   Certified Public Accountant       586-4638
     Residence                                                    586-4674
C.M. Larry Hunter                                           586-4697
Hunter Funeral Home    Loveland
     Dial Operator and ask for                            Enterprise 308
     No charge on Enterprise calls
Mrs. Harold Hunter                                          586-3547
Hupp Hotel                                                      586-3481
Mrs. S.M. Hurd                                               586-3505
Warren Hurd                                                    586-3455
George Hurt                                                     586-3468
James H. Huston                                              586-4019
Donald F. Hutchens                                         586-3779
Larryl Hutchins                                                 586-3126
R.B. Hutchinson, Jr.                                         586-4212
Roy Hutsell                                                      586-3452
Carl Hyatt                                                        586-3757
C.W. Hyland                                                    586-4138
Leo S. Hyland                                                  586-4164

[174 distinct entries]


Idlewilde                                                          586-3864
Ruby Imel                                                        586-4236
Indian Summer Trading Post                           586-3695
Indian Village Trading Post                             586-3683
E.E. Ingalls                                                      586-4764
Martha Ingalls                                                  586-4126
G. Beverly Irwin                                              586-4998
W.F. Ivers                                                        586-3958

[8 distinct entries]


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