Wellington of the Unwashed and Dirty Berthoud reach double-digit deaths

If you are wondering why Estes Park is doing so well on case numbers and cases/100K when it comes to COVID, it is because we are doing such a poor job (on purpose) of testing and finding/isolating true positives.  And we are lying about our actual year-round population.  The bottom line, though, is that Estes Park is not doing well on preventing deaths, which is the only metric that really counts.  Does Wellington have a hospital?  No.  Does Berthoud have a hospital?  No.  Does Estes Park have a hospital?  Of course it does, supported by the federal government.  Didn't seem to help prevent any deaths.  Does Wellington have a nursing home/assisted living?  Of course it does.  Does Berthoud have a nursing home/assisted living?  Of course it does.  Does Estes Park have a nursing home/assisted living?  Marginally, but we couldn't chase the death magnets in Prospect Park away fast enough, closing down a facility when it was most needed.  Because it is all about numbers, and hiding the truth from Estes Park residents and potential residents and those who visit to spend money on outdated BBQ chicken sandwiches and plastic bottle openers.

Berthold (supposedly) has twice as many COVID cases as Estes Park.  Wellington (supposedly) has twice as many cases as Estes Park.  Yet Estes Park has 1-1/2 times the death rate as either community.  Why?  Because we have an older population.  Sure, maybe, but that is only part of it.  It is because Estes Park does a better job of lying about its actual population, and Larimer County allows it to lie to keep tourist numbers high and tourism dollars flowing into the war chest.  Now that we have stockpiled money for the winter season, are we going to spend more of this money to help the citizens most at risk, by being truthful about how few people are wearing masks indoors, and how disinterested Estes Park officials are in enforcing a mask "mandate"?  Or are we going to hang some more Christmas lights, and host more events that spread a little cheer and a lot of Omicron?


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