And the lead keeps growing

The final unofficial results from Larimer County increased the separation between the three Estes Park School District candidates in the lead and the "team" pulling up the rear.  

Boulder County is REALLY going to have to start getting busy counting ballots now.  Since somewhere north of 124 Allenspark residents bothered to cast votes for Estes Park School District to begin with, they are going to have to unearth 25 additional ballots (20% of those who voted in the regular election) from SOMEWHERE.  And all of these ballots will have to mark Danielle Wolf, with NONE of them voting for John Davis.  Sound suspicious?  Of course it does.  Sound possible?  Well, does the Trail-Gazette have a box of uncounted Boulder County ballots sitting forlornly in their unoccupied building? 

If so, they should move this box across the border to the dumpster at Charles Eagle Plumes, because Boulder County is STILL counting.   Larimer County is DONE counting.  (Note to Trail-Gazette:  Make sure you put a big sign on the dumpster with an arrow pointing to the uncounted ballots.)

(Disclaimer:  Boulder County is still counting according to the Trail-Gazette.  Not according to Boulder County election officials.  Your actual mileage regarding accepting the Trail-Gazette's unsubstantiated claim, or the fact that Boulder County has any ballots left to count, may vary.)

Larimer County, at least, has no more ballots to give.  [Singing:  Don't cry for me Boulder County.  The truth is I never had leftover ballots hidden in dark corners - You kept your distance, I kept my promise, now put me on the board forever, signed Margaret Muzzleloader]


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