I know who needs to attend a better school

Okay, now I understand why Tim is having such problems reporting this election fairly, or even coherently.  He can't distinguish between ballots and votes.  Larimer County very much did change between the pre-final and the final.  Two more ballots were added to the count, with each ballot contributing three votes to the total vote count.  Note how the final vote tally went up by six.  Six.  Not zero.  Not unchanged.  Six.  From two ballots, each marked for three candidates.  Or three ballots, each marked for two candidates.  Or six ballots, each marked for one candidate.  There are plenty of potential ways to divy up these six votes, but "unchanged, no ballots or votes added" is not one of the choices.

Compare these two tables.  Do they look identical?  They do to the Trail-Gazette reporter.

And the idea that Danielle Wolf somehow gained nine votes in Boulder County from the next-to-last unofficial to the last unofficial count is laughable.  She gained three votes.  From three ballots.  You can't vote for the same person three times on one ballot. 

So Larimer County added an additional two ballots/six votes, and Boulder County added an additional three ballots/nine votes.  Remember when the election official in Boulder County said they were holding three ballots back to preserve anonymity of UOCAVA voters?  Ya think those were the three?  Feel free to ask.  You have her email address.

So sad that even with this final update, there has to be a last desperate clawing attempt to justify the November 10 headline and lede.  So very sad.  What a sad, sad, sad newspaper.  


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