Ohmygod ohmygod now it is really getting hard

This battle to find ballots to count in Boulder County has found yet another 28,000 foot mountain to climb, on top of the 28,000 foot mountain we are already attempting to scale, because Boulder County released their latest numbers, most likely their last unofficial numbers, and it doesn't look good for the Trail-Gazette and their supporters.

Despite Boulder County STILL COUNTING, since their last update on November 5, they have only managed to dig out a couple more ballots and a couple more votes for Danielle Wolf.  This is NOT looking good for Danielle Wolf, people.  Her lead over John Davis in Boulder County is 41, but her deficit in Larimer County is 61.  She is still 20 votes short.   How hard is it to print up 20 fake Boulder County ballots and mark them all for Danielle Wolf?  You can do it, Trail-Gazette.  You have access to a printing press, and you certainly lack the ethics or morals necessary to ask why.


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