Now you see her, now you don't

Since the Trail-Gazette is incapable of covering a school board meeting without having a hernia or finding someone besides themselves to blame, here is a recap, including some screen grabs of an individual who has been MIA since the late evening of November 2, 2021:

To see the full YouTube video of outgoing board members, the link is bye now

But the really critical take home message from someone who promised a statement following release of the official election results (and for the Trail-Gazette, who breathlessly and repeatedly assured readers a statement would be forthcoming following release of the official results) is this:

It is also worth noting the newly-elected board members were elected to leadership rolls on the board:  Stacy Ferree was elected board president.  Ava Kendall was elected board vice-president.  John Davis was elected board treasurer.  There are only three elected board positions for EPSD R-3, and the newly elected board members will fill all three.  The Estes Park Trail-Gazette neglected to mention any of this in their "article" that purported to cover "something" related to the school board.  Do they not have enough money to download ZOOM over there at Trail-Gazette headquarters?


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