800,000 and climbing

By the end of this week, Worldometers will reach 800,000 U.S. deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 infection.  The Johns Hopkins Covid map, which generally lags Worldometers data by 20,000 U.S. deaths, will get to this number around the second week of December.

How sad this is so predictable, and how very sad this number, or any number, means so little to so many people.  Losing 800,000 people is the equivalent of losing everyone who lives in Denver.  And Golden.  And Castle Rock.  If, this New Year's Eve, a meteor wiped out Denver and Golden and Castle Rock and Dan Denning said "bring on another meteor", it would be tragic for most rational beings, granted, but it would be supremely problematic to determine if that was even the stupidest thing Dan Denning had said ON THAT PARTICULAR DAY.

For misguided idiots like Dan Denning, 800,000 U.S. deaths means absolutely nothing.  It means another day of cranking up the lies and spewing out the hate and misinformation wrapped in an American flag.  We don't need vaccine mandates, Dan says.  Thank God a court struck down mandatory vaccinations, Dan says.  These things infringe on our liberty, on our right to carry around our own facts, whether or not they jibe with reality.  Dan will be yelling the same nonsense when that meteor approaches on its flight path to Denver, and some intelligent people want to do something about it.  Don't flea, Dan will chide.  Don't try firing something at it to destroy or deflect it, Dan will warn.  That is foolish, it shows your petty fear.  This meteor is all part of God's plan, Dan will loudly proclaim, hoisting a cold Coors.  We should revert to the Stone Age, we should deny 2000 years of progress in the field of science, we should instead rely on the earth's natural immunity, its innate ability to survive a collision with a 10,000,000,000,000-ton rock flying into it at the speed of light. 

Dan Denning is killing us.  14 people in Estes Park are dead because of Dan Denning.  373 people in Larimer County are no longer breathing because of Dan Denning.  9000 people in Colorado won't see their grandchildren this Christmas because of Dan Denning.  We have people sitting on boards in Estes Park with the balls to refer to the Pfizer vaccines, the Moderna vaccines, the J&J vaccines, and the AstraZeneca vaccines as "death shots".  Call them this with a straight face.  Without a wink, or any sense of tongue-in-cheek irony.  Call them this loudly, proudly, in a crowdly, and receive absolutely zero punishment or public humiliation.  They should be pilloried.  Instead, our current administration coddles them.  Makes excuses for them.  Says we shouldn't be so hard on them or draw attention to their nonsense by pointing out how ridiculous it is.  We have people sitting on boards in Estes Park who post insane, fictitious graphs purporting to show vaccinations against COVID-19 as more risky than contracting COVID-19.  Charts that pretend to "prove" more people die from vaccinations than from catching COVID-19.  Yeah, that certainly seems valid.  Over 3 billion people have been vaccinated, essentially NONE of whom have immediately dropped dead, while over 5 million unvaccinated, under vaccinated, and at risk individuals have died from COVID-19.  This is a 1000-fold difference in deaths.  Three orders of magnitude.  It would be like claiming a recipe for a loaf of banana bread calls for 1000 cups of flour.  And getting a guest spot on "Pioneer Woman" to back up a dump truck of flour and bury one 6-quart mixing bowl.

Ask yourself:  Why does Dan Denning want to kill us?  How does Dan Denning benefit from killing us?  Why is someone so stupid, so incredibly stupid, allowed to post his nonsense without being chased into a deep well with pitchforks?  Is it because we have regressed as a society, we who have learned tolerance and grace have decided anyone and everyone should be allowed to spread misinformation and lies because they are somehow "inherently good"?  Misguidedly well-intentioned?  Like Stalin, they have good intentions.  Sure, 20 million of Stalin's own citizens perished, but statues are still in place honoring a beloved strongman and "patriot".  Dan Denning just has a few more months to go to attain Stalinesque-like levels of death.  Dan's statue, the one he so deliriously awaits, will be of his hand shoved so far up the collective population's ass, everyone who views it will be smiling and laughing while those who can still smell are doubled over by the miasma of death and decay.


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