Fundamentally, the lone remaining T-G reporter is fatally flawed

Here are the grades for the Trail-Gazette “news” articles covering the school board election:  F...F...F...F.

And the most recent one, even after being corrected by admitting two additional ballots = 6 votes were added to the final Larimer County update, not NONE as the reporter initially outright lied about to continue his false hopes and failed narrative, is....F

It is unclear why the Trail-Gazette reporter continues to propagate the myth of votes being identical to ballots.  This was not a vote for U.S. president, where one ballot and one vote are identical, since you can only vote for one candidate, or if you voted for more than one (overvote), have your ballot thrown out (figuratively - if additional state or local offices and/or proposition/bond issues were on the ballot and these were marked correctly, only your vote for president would be thrown out).

In this Estes Park School District Board of Directors election, a ballot offered the choice of six different candidates, with the option to vote for up to three DIFFERENT candidates.  You could vote for three different candidates and not have your ballot thrown out.  In fact, the majority of voters in this election voted for three different candidates, with the minority voting for only two or only one candidate.  Here is the important lesson for the Trail’s intrepid reporter: A voter could not vote for the same candidate three time on one ballot.  They could not write the number “3” in the oval next to Danielle Wolf’s name and have it counted as 3 votes for Danielle Wolf.  So while six total votes could be produced many different ways (two ballots, each marked for three DIFFERENT candidates, three ballots, each marked for two DIFFERENT candidates, four ballots, two marked for two DIFFERENT candidates and two marked for one candidate, etc.), the most likely way six votes came about in the final update in this election in Larimer County was from two ballots, each ballot marked for three DIFFERENT candidates.  Similarly, the most likely way nine votes came about in this election in Boulder County was from three ballots, each ballot marked for three DIFFERENT candidates.

“Even if all votes were for Danielle Wolf” is a wildly implausible scenario, and would require 15 different ballots marked only for one candidate, that candidate being Danielle Wolf.  On each of the 15 ballots.  Let me repeat that so the reporter understands the silliness and almost certain illegality of what he apparently wanted or hoped for:  Between the next-to-last unofficial update and the last unofficial update, the reporter is suggesting that 15 ballots materialized, all marked for only one candidate, all marked for (and only for) Danielle Wolf.  Does the reporter understand how suspicious that would look in the last final unofficial updates, and how that would immediately raise questions of voting integrity and of stuffing the ballot box after the fact with manufactured and fraudulent ballots?  Is that really the wet dream entertained by the reporter?  Or does it indicate the Trail-Gazette was behind an aborted or exposed/thwarted effort to change the will of the voters by manufacturing fake ballots marked only for Danielle Wolf?


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