O Mi Gawd

False prophet Dan Denning and his (American) legion of followers just got the Christmas present they so  violently wished for - A emerging strain of SARS-CoV-2 which will definitely make any current vaccine not worth taking.

The newest devil offspring sprung from the richness of the human soil is called Omicron, with the same number of letters in its name as Denning.  Because its spike protein is so vastly different from its predecessors, yet still manages to bind to its target surface protein, it will evade all immunology-based treatments currently on the market or in the pipeline.  Even the current crop of monoclonals, which Dan and his DeSadist-based think tank grudgingly allow, will be worthless against Omicron.

Woo-hoo.  Dan Denning got what he wanted all along - A response and an outcome based not on science, or cooperation, or looking out for your fellow man, but on selfishness and horrific, gasping death.

What is desperately needed locally is what was requested over 18 months ago.  Testing.  Testing.  Immediate, robust, sequence-based, and profligately administered to any and all, even those who just got tested 24 hours ago.  And strict and severe quarantine of those who test positive.  Without recourse to courts or apologies to those whose results are false-positives.  This strain is explosively transmissible.

Let's not kid ourselves.  Omicron is already here.  A travel ban, as Dan Denning will immediately spew his anger against, is going to be completely ineffective, because if Omicron isn't already here, Dan Denning will smuggle infected people across our borders in his desperate, clawing need to have something he advocates for proven "correct" or "prescient".

Two years in, TWO YEARS, and it is only getting worse.  We have screwed around long enough, and tried to allow whining pathetic know-nothings to live "normal" lives long enough, to please the crying whining pathetic wastes of vocal cords exercised in extremis by the Do-Nothing Dennings of the world.  

This is a war between a thread of worthless, parasitic genetic material and the most highly evolved species yet to inhabit the earth.  If you have trouble distinguishing which is which, Dan Denning is the worthless, parasitic and saprophytic genetic material in this example.  He feeds off the dead.  Which is so convenient for him, because his entire reason for existence is to kill us all off and then eat our flesh.


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