You may want to stay inside for this

 Larimer County cases doubled since yesterday, which may indeed be true, although yesterday's numbers and today's numbers should be multiplied by 100 to get a closer approximation of how many people in Larimer County are actually positive. 

Those who advocate sailing along, business as usual, should be a bit disappointed that the curve is rising so fast both in Larimer County and in Colorado.  Or maybe they are morticians.  Or closet morticians.  Or budding morticians.  In any event, the current tally of deaths in Colorado, six, represent infections occurring two or more weeks ago. 

Since people still have until Monday to vacate the Stanley, can you imagine how many deaths will occur as a result of their short-sightedness two to three weeks from now?  Maybe the Stanley should have advertised a Coronavirus and Dyspnea package. 

Heck, you've still got until noon Monday, why not go and pick up the coronavirus/salmonella combo from their restaurant that always fails county health inspections?


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