Look, Larimer County is up to three no four cases from one

and the insistence on patient privacy has me completely confused.  Is the death in Weld County related to the women who worked at Banner Health and infected the 90-year-old whose friend had recently traveled to a bridge tournament in Colorado Springs?  If Jim got a B on his test, what color shoes is Debbie wearing?  All I know is, when you screw up enough to earn a visit from the CDC crew, there is more, much more, going on than is being reported. 

One thing that will absolutely change as the result of this outbreak is that people will demand more rational and reasonable reporting of those infected in the future, by name, so the guess work and hearsay is eliminated.  If you want us to make good decisions as far as social distancing, you have to let us know who the players are, and who we need to distance ourselves from.


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