Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

This Steve Carrell/Keira Knightley, what, ?romantic end-of-worlder?, ?mismatched wish fulfillment for caged birds when the rainbow isn't enuf road-trip comedy? with its "fade to white" ending, stank up the box office worse than a skunk on garlic roller skates, but had one moment you'll probably want looped at your funeral, when T.J. Miller, the greeter at "Friendsy's", offhandedly remarks that they burned all the restaurant chairs in a bonfire, well, you have to know the context of the movie (asteroid hurtling toward earth, 21 days until impact, December-June couple thrown together by circumstance), but it is T.J. Miller's sole redeeming feature.  It may get him the coveted "get out of jail free" card in Purgatory.


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