Letter to a friend

Hi - Here is a link to the article:

We gather our news from both Democratic-leaning and Republican-leaning websites.  The "Daily Kos" is very anti-Trump, so it goes a bit over the top on the doom and gloom aspects of these reports, but the important point is, the reports themselves are non-partisan, and come from highly respected institutions, and come to essentially the same conclusions:  Shut everything down now, or risk having what is going on in Italy happen in the United States.  Even worse, those "success stories" of slowing down or stopping transmission in South Korea and China (sort of) may not actually be successes, since both counties still have a lot of people who are not immune to the virus, and will be infected if another wave sweeps through later this year.

Attached are two "screen grabs" of the most disturbing portions of these studies.  We can't put Americans in total lockdown for 18 months, and the alternative seems to be the potential of losing millions of people.  No good way out of this except to increase testing so that essentially everyone gets tested, and separate the positive cases from the negative cases, and hope we do a good enough job of not allowing the two populations to mix. 

Since that won't be happening any time soon, the best approach is just to consider everyone is infected, dealing with this "worst case scenario" by making everyone stay in their homes, maintaining the "most essential" of essential services, and riding out the storm.  As in Italy, no matter what we do, it will definitely come to hospitals having to make decisions about who should live and who should die.  That is already going to happen next week in New York.


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