Our own private Idaho

Idaho falls.  Down goes Idaho.  All hope is now centered on West Virginia.  The Greenbrier is the federal government's secret bunker.  It may now become the exclusive hangout of the rich and famous.  The state marketing department in Charleston has some mock-ups for the campaign "Come to West Virginia.  We're coronavirus-free, and it's not because we don't know how to test for it."

Remember when I cautioned last week that the map at that time was going to look like a face full of measles in a few days?  We no longer need to worry about travel history.  Just traveling to your local convenience store is all that is necessary to pick up an unintended viral load.  Stay well.  The food products that aren't cleared off the shelves over the coming weeks in the pandemonium should probably stop being made.  If you won't eat something in a quarantine, you sure as hell aren't going to eat it when the going is good.


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