Some people say "Doubling Up", others say "Catching Up"

When the cases of something double in one day, that is known as logarithmic growth.  If we actually had the ability to test everyone in Colorado right now, there would be over 1000 cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2, so these numbers are all meaningless.  The logarithmic growth using actual numbers would be even more impressive, but again, meaningless. 

Especially meaningless because, knowing that the number of cases in Colorado doubled in one day, or went up ten-fold, every single individual who bothered to read this far will do NOTHING to modify their behavior over the next 24 hours. 

Good for you, Colorado.  Love that spirit of independence.  We will certainly be able to pass Italy and China in total number of cases very quickly, and isn't it all about being the best in whatever we do? 

Let's cheer: 
Who can die better?  Nobody, no one.
Who wants to stay inside?  Certainly not me.
Who wants to overwhelm health care?  I do, I do.
Wooo, pant, garg [squad members falls in a heap]


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