Help my gored ox has fallen and can't get up

Sherry Kopko Ruth is a freshly-minted 65 year old, a former athlete and current Green Party member (how that's Jill Stein gal working out for you?) who apparently retired to a wealthy section of town to GET FED UP TO HERE with people who disagree with her.

As a member of a small and getting smaller minority known as the Greens, Chez Ruth is certainly well qualified to identify and call out people who she can instantly tell are espousing a minority view.

We have had no polling of year-round Estes Park residents above the age of 65 (or 55, or whatever age you want to use to distinguish stable brain volume from decreasing brain volume, it doesn't matter, because we have had no polling, and won't have, and no ability prior to death to weigh our brains, and won't have), but Sherry, whose background is not in any way related to gauging a pulse other than her own, doesn't need evidence to vomit back up what her gut tells her:  The people bitching about the new Community Center are whiny babies, and the town shouldn't revolve around them, but around the actual whiny babies Estes Park so desperately needs to survive.  No matter that sales tax revenue and property tax revenue in town is generated by a majority of people over 55, that just proves her point that the old people are chasing young people away, literally chasing them away with pitchforks, because the are spoiled and didn't do anything to earn the right to have others live up to promises made during an election cycle.

President Trump (still, last time I checked) tweets, and people like Judd Apatow practically give themselves a hernia demanding he STFU or be STFU.  Judd, you are not a dumb guy, you may not be a stable genius like the rest of us who went to Ivy League schools, but at some point you and other celebrities in America whose opinions really don't matter should stop responding to these tweets.  Do you not see the causal chain behind (A) Person writes dumb book critical of Trump (B) Trump tweets because he is either incapable of letting criticism go unanswered, or is instead so smart he realizes when he tweets (C) people like Judd Apatow will lose their shit.

Juddy, your need to document resistance to prove you did something to try preventing the end of the world is admirable, but the fact that you released "Drillbit Taylor" and "Year One" without destroying America as we know it is proof of our resiliency.

This morning, a spokesperson from the Brookings Institution was on NPR chiding President Trump (still, last time I checked) for arguing with a madman.  In this case, she was referring to North Korean president Kim Jong-un, not CNN's Jake Tapper, but the point is, if Kim Jong-un really is mad, what is the proper response?  If he launches nuclear-tipped missiles aimed at Guam or Hawaii or Los Angeles, should President Trump undergo a mandatory 30-minute psychological evaluation before being allowed to respond?  Or would that be the one time you and Sherry and Judd would all agree it was okay for our president to be our president?

Basically, here's what I can't quite figure out:  If you were stranded in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during a blizzard that had closed down the interstate with a group of 20 adults and two kids, including a truck driver, a NASCAR driver, a bus driver, and a former NAVY Seal, and a 6-year-old in the group piped up and said, "Look, when the road opens back up, it's obvious I'm the most qualified to lead the convoy heading to Laramie" HOW MUCH TIME would you spend arguing with him?  Similarly, Sherry, if you know in your heart that the individuals who want to pay to stay in their own place are a small bunch of gray snowflakes, why waste your time criticizing them?  Why not take pity on their pity party, and given them a donation of food and clothing, as they are obviously so wrapped in solipsism they are unable to care for themselves.  Are you so fearful of morons that your anger builds up to the point where it drains from your fingers?  Did you move to a place where your realtor promised EVERY PERSON THINKS LIKE YOU DO, and now that that is clearly not the case, you are having second thoughts?

Personally, I don't care if I am never in the majority of anything, ever.  Sorry if your existence depends on 50.01% or more of any group you're a part of thinking you are right.  Before and after Kristallnacht, indeed, up until the waning months of 1944, most Germans went to bed every night knowing they were in the majority.  How'd that work out for them?

I live in America because America grants its citizens, all of them, the right to believe what they want and say what they want (if what they say doesn't put others in the way of physical harm).  If you think you have the right to voice a lousy opinion, pen a letter to the editor that reveals more about you and your personal animus towards an individual on the other side rather than about the beliefs voiced by that individual on the other side, you do.  You absolutely have that right.

But don't keep hitting yourself with a hammer, and then dismiss my advice when I tell you how to make it stop.  I get it, you're a senior, and you're in favor of the community center regardless of what promises it made or kept.  But you are not me, and you don't have the right to be me, or make decisions for me, or force your opinions on me.  You only have the right to tell me you don't agree.  If the method you have of letting this be known doesn't hold water, I have the right to point out shortcomings in your thinking.  It's just something I do.  No charge.

President Trump (still, last time I checked) tweeted this today:

Those who hate him so much, hate the very idea of his views being confused with their views or America's views (meaning those sections of America they don't immediately make fun of), are organizing classes in town to help their rank-and-file tell the difference between real news and biased reporting.  Why?  Have we as citizens become somehow incapable of getting out of bed each morning without setting our hair on fire, or distinguishing a toaster from a coffee pot, or knowing not to spread live insects on our bagels?  We've had biased newspapers since the first day of America's founding.  Do you not understand what a waste of time this effort is, how your doing this not only (A) plays exactly into the president's wheelhouse but (B) makes you the creators and purveyors of equally biased opinions marketed as fact, the very thing you claim to abhor? 


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